Friday, November 19, 2010

Postcard Friendship Friday

The Friday before Thanksgiving and one more postcard from

Hearty Thanksgiving Greetings

The card is postmarked 1915.
Aunt Ida must have sent a Thanksgiving postcard to Master Ralph 
each year as this was not the only Thanksgiving card from Aunt Ida in
the NYPL collection.
I enjoyed her comment 'I was very pleased with your letter'.
Letter writing -- a lost art.

Beth is our hostess for Postcard Friendship Friday.

I going to be taking a small break from blogging.
Think I will do some reading, crochet a little, and relax.
See you after Thanksgiving.

Everyday should be a day of thanks -- don't you agree?!

Wishing you well, a JOY filled weekend and to my American friends
a wonderful Thanksgiving.


  1. I LOVE the old writing on the back of postcards as much as I like the pictures on the front!

  2. Great image and the old "perfect" handwriting on the back. Enjoy your holidays. "See" you when you return.

    xox Corrine

  3. That's penmanship - a long forgotten art, too! Have a good "rest" Snap. Drink some tea for me. Happy Thanksgiving.

  4. What a great postcard! I need to dig one out for this week.

    Btw, I made an adjustment on that barley soup recipe. Check it out before you decide to make the soup. :-)

  5. good to see some vegetarian options in the foreground of the card too ;-) happy PFF!

  6. You got that right about letter-writing being a lost art. These cards are mail art!

  7. What a great card, it is almost like a embroidery sampler.

  8. I agree that letter writing is a lost art. I have always had my kids handwrite thank you notes for gifts. I also have them write letters to the troops. There's just nothing better than a hand written letter!

  9. Beautiful postcard, Snap.... Hope you have a nice Thanksgiving break. I'm gong to take some time off myself.

    Happy Thanksgiving.

  10. I used to love writing letters to a penpal when I was a kid. The anticipation of a letter in the mail was great.

  11. I love the card! Plenty of food for the two of them. :) Enjoy your blogging break. I've just taken up crochet again after a break of several years.

  12. An exquisitely beautiful card! I hope you enjoy your break ánd that you will return in the blogopshere.

  13. I hope you're enjoying your blogging break. I just wanted to say how much I enjoyed reading about the knuckles on the table as a thank you gesture!
    We're saying "thanks" for many blessings this year.

  14. I adore this postcard! And, yes, Thanksgiving is a day in which to give thanks for all the blessings we enjoy. ((hugs))

    Happy PFF!

  15. What a sweet Thanksgiving message. Love the card. Have a good time reading... be sure to come back.

  16. That is a lovely post card saved for prosperity!
    I hope you are enjoying your blog break :)

  17. Enjoy your blog break, sounds like a great idea! That's a very lovely card!

  18. Aw. Why do you suppose she wrote sideways? is that what we're supposed to do? eeks, have i been doing it wrong this whole time???? And i noticed the postmark is NOV 24th i wonder, was the US Post office quicker back then, or was she originally planning on going to Thanksgiving with him and then couldn't?
    (Do you think Cowboy is right when he says i have quite the imagination?)

    I hope you and MR D have a fabulous restful wonderful healing thanksgiving watching parades and games!

  19. PS - the neighborhood autumn doorway pictures are AMAZING! Does Martha Stewart hold classes in your neighborhood??? :)

  20. Happy Thanksgiving wishes and restful and fun blogging break wishes :)


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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