Friday, November 12, 2010

Postcard Friendship Friday

Another postcard for Thanksgiving from the New York Public Library Digital Collection.
This one has memories for me.
I was raised in New Mexico, The Land of Enchantment 
and spent many a Fall feast day with friends at Jemez Pueblo.
It was a different world. Lots of good food that seemed to never end.
Colorful dances to celebrate the harvest.
Another world.

This postcard was published by the Detroit Publishing Company sometime between 1907-08 and titled Hopi Thanksgiving.

The Detroit Publishing Company was an American photographic publishing firm best known for its large assortment of photochrom postcards.

The company was founded as the Detroit Photographic Company in 1890s by Detroit businessman and publisher William A. Livingstone, Jr. The company had the exclusive rights to the photochrom process for the American market. Photochrom is a technique developed in Switzerland which allows the color enhancement of black and white photography with the means of chromolithography. It allowed the company to mass produce photorealistic color motifs long before color photography became economically feasible.

Thank you to the lovely Beth, our hostess for Postcard Friendship Friday.

Wishing you well and a JOY filled weekend.


  1. The first thing that struck me when I saw this was the color. The colors of the earth and it made me feel my heart beating. Lovely.

  2. This is so interesting. I have always dreamed about having Christmas in different parts of the world. Now I think experiencing Thanksgiving traditions in different cultures too.
    Love your piece on 7 Rituals for shorter days.
    So glad to have you share with all of us on Tuesdays.
    Blessings, Pam

  3. Beautiful post..wonderful postcard..and lovely to meet someone from the place of enchantment..magic...fabulous!!

  4. Hi Snap, Great post... I didn't know that you were raised in New Mexico... That is just awesome... I'll bet you have some great memories.

    Love the postcard.

  5. A wonderful historical card, Snap - and some interesting facts!

  6. Thank you for the informative post!We look at the pictures but miss the whole idea of how these vividly colored cards came about.

  7. The colours are a wonderfully subtle and natural photochrom. New Mexico must have been a wonderful place to grow up.

  8. Oh, I love it! I loved New Mexico the time I went there. I'd like to go back again.

  9. I have a friend in New Mexico who will NOT be persuaded to send me cards from there "because it's boring", when it very clearly isn't boring to me. This is a lovely card. I've seen the name, Photochrom, many times but never known it was a particular process before today.

  10. Hi, Snap! How could I have lived this long without knowing that you lived in NM? I visited the Jemez area many, many times during the years I lived in Albuquerque. Jemez Springs was one of my family's favorite picnic spots. Your postcard brought back lots of memories.


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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