Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Tuesday Tribute

Life can be so strange.
I was sitting in the waiting room at M.D. Anderson waiting for Mr. Dragon to finish his CTScan,
when I got a telephone call from one our favorite people who happens to be a wonderful author.
He called to ask what had happened to David.
I said "what do you mean what happened to David".
And he told me David had died...at the age of 38.

(From Murder By The Book)

We met David at Murder By The Book some 20 years ago.
We love mysteries and David was the best at his job.
He loved his customers and the mystery genre and knew what each of us liked.
He always had a smile on his face and a new book to suggest.
He married his wife, McKenna, just over 2 years ago.
They had a fairy tale wedding in Scotland.
We can not imagine what McKenna the MBTB family must be going through.

We have wonderful memories.
Memories of dinners with authors.
The first one was with Christopher Moore and if any of you read Christopher you know we had one heck of a good time at a very good South American restaurant.
David was kind enough to invite us on other dinners and we got to know him and McKenna better.

We both feel such sadness this evening.

I haven't posted a Tuesday Tribute in awhile, but I wanted to pay tribute this evening to a young man who brought joy into so many lives and whose smile and knowledge will be greatly missed.

We'll miss you, David. Enjoy that great library in the heavens.


  1. 38 years old???? Oh how sad.... Do you know what caused his death? Such a nice-looking young man... I am so very sorry that you have lost a special friend.

    My Love and Prayers are with you .

  2. So sad news...we are sending love to David Thompson and his family in this difficult moment.
    Beautiful tribute.

  3. What a lovely tribute to a friend. Sad that he was so young which is why we never ever know and should cherish every day. My heart goes out to you. xox Corrine

  4. I just heard about this from my daughter last night. I am shocked and sad. David made Murder by the Book a really special place, one of my favorites. I never pass it by when I am in the area. He will be sorely missed.

  5. You know, I hesitated when I first read this post, not sure what to write, how to console, if I could find any words. The thing is, you just never know what it is that is going to take an earthly life. I know you know, having shared what you have this past year or so. All the more fodder to live each moment as if it is indeed our last. My prayers go out to the ones David has left behind as he is undoubtedly in the heavens.


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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