Sunday, September 26, 2010

Mosaic Monday

One of my best buddies is an art teacher.
Every now and then we have a play day.
She tries out new techniques on me or shows me things she has recently learned.
Sometimes I help do the backgrounds for a project she has coming up in class.
Last week we got together.
The piece I'm working on is 24" x 24" -- larger than I usually work.
When it is finished it folds to make a book.

Mixed Media Mosaic

I have a long way to go before it is finished.
More paint, Caran deArche watersoluble pastels, more stamps, more texture.
The black and white areas need to be colored in.
I need to work on some of the transparencies that didn't get gelled down completely.
You get the idea.
If you look carefully, you can see some of the wonderful texture that is beginning to pop out.

Mixed Media

Last week I showed you some crochet I'm working on.
Here is the pumpkin block all finished except for the row of black squares that goes all the way around.
The shadow on the right side -- Miss Cassie was checking out HER new blanket.
Wondering if it would be finished in time for Halloween.

The lovely Mary is the hostess for Mosaic Monday.
Each mosaic is different. Each has a story to tell.


- The washing machine died on Sunday. One load of wash to finish. We put a makeshift clothesline in the garage and hung all the wet things. Mr. Dragon says the washer needs a new transmission. (Who knew a washing machine had a transmission?!!!) Since China bought Maytag, Maytag just isn't the same.
I think we will try to have it repaired and see what happens before we take the plunge and buy something new.

- Busy week coming up. My turn at the doctor appointments. Monday I see my eye guy. Wednesday I go in for the lab work for the appointment I have with the internist the following week.

- Last week we took little Riley to the vet for her cardiac exam. The vet who does the ultrasound on her is reported to have said "I don't know why this cat is still alive."!!!! Our vet tweaked her meds and home she came. She's in no pain and seems to enjoy watching Teddy and Cassie. We will carry on.

- The weather guys are promising us a cool front. Nothing yet, but I'll continue to hope!

Wishing you well and a JOY filled week!


  1. That crocheted JOL is wonderful! Looks suitably sinister too.

  2. Your collage has wonderful depth, I can't wait to see it when it is finished, or further down the pike with more work on it. I didn't know Riley had heart trouble - where have I been? Good luck with all those appointments. Sometimes it's better to get them all over and done with at one time.

  3. The painting looks amazing! Yes, you can see the texture!

    Your blanket is great! Love it!

  4. Love the crocheting and the collage of your art is wonderful. I hope you get cool weather soon, we just finally did (with rain). Your week sounds busy--hope it all goes well!

  5. I love the colours you are using in your project!

  6. I had a little trouble getting to see the mosaic (it's showing white here), but it was well worth the trouble of finding it. Very nice artwork and I can see all the developing layers and textures. Have a good week!

  7. The painting look lovely and I love the pumpkin throw. Good luck with all the doctor appointments this week.

  8. What a beautiful piece of art, and it looks like such fun to create, too! Thanks for sharing at MM. :)

  9. What a cool project! looking forward to seeing it all finished! The crochet work is so nice, the kitty can't wait for it :)

  10. I love this...the texture is amazing..
    xo bj

  11. The colors in your work of art are just beautiful. Love the crochet piece too...another work of art.

  12. This may sound crazy but I looked at your collage and it made me think of a magic carpet ride; I'd like to see it finished too.
    The pumpkin passes the spooky test for Halloween, nice work.

  13. It seems you have a very busy life. The art work is very colourful and the pumpkin is going to make someone very happy.

  14. Snap, You're amazing - always creating something. I wish you some cool weather, a fixed washer, and a good report from the DR!

  15. Love your crocheted JOL~ You work fast! Your furbabies are adorable :-)

  16. Very colorful photos. Beautiful artwork and crochet work. Have a great week.

  17. Dear friend,
    First of all your artwork is magnificent,congratulations!
    I wish you good luck with all laundry stuffs there and those appointments.
    I'm sending love, purrs and prayers for my friend Riley.I know that she has the love from your heart and it will comfort her a lot.It's very important!
    And we will go on with hope and lights in our hearts!

  18. Wow! I have never seen anything like this before- I see layering and textures galore!I an nowhere near being an artist, so I have little knowledge of how to create such art. It is going to be beautiful when finished. Thank you for coming by to see my mosaic. I love the mosaic pumpkins I found.
    ~ Sue

  19. The piece you're working on is beautiful. I hope you show us the finished product all folded into a book.

    Good luck with all the appointments. I hope you and Mr Dragon are both doing good....and Riley, too!

  20. Hey Snap,

    Your collage is wonderful. It's so much fun to work with lots of different media in a piece, isn't it? Really jump starts the creativity, I think. Have fun with it!


  21. That must be wonderful to work this way - it looks very intriguing and also very pretty, the various collages.
    So much patience to crochet such a wonderful pumpkin cover!

  22. That pumpkin is amazing, just amazing. Hope all your tests come out just fine. Know exactly what you mean about the washing machine thing. Fixing is probably still a better bet than new these days....sad, really.
    xox Corrine


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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