Monday, August 23, 2010

Teacup Tuesday

Teacup Tuesday is hosted each week by Martha and Teri.
Be sure you visit to see all the teacups on parade!

I'm going to do something a little different this week.
I have quite a collection of books, including cook books and books on tea.
Culinary history is an interest of mine and developed while I was a docent at the museum.
I did a food and feasting tour for a local community college once a year and I loved it.
Of course, I needed books to do my own research!

Today I'd like to share a lovely little book on green tea: The Green Tea User's Manual by Helen Gustafson.

Helen Gustafson is the tea sommelier for Chez Panisse so she knows her stuff.
This delightful little book covers sixteen of the most popular types of green tea.
She includes interesting anecdotes, quotations, and bits of tea lore and recipes.


A nice old cup of tea (British): A sweet person.

Chali (Chinese): A tea gift given to a woman upon her engagement.

He has no tea in him (Japanese): Said of a person with little life in him.

Hock nit kein Chainik (Yiddish): Literally means, "Don't bang a teakettle." Don't make such a big fuss. Don't bother me.

Let the tea steep (German): Forget about it.

Na Chai (Russian): Literally, "For the tea." The tip one leaves in a restaurant.

Not for all the tea in China: Not at any price.

Not my cup of tea: It isn't anything I like.

Teetotal: To abstain from intoxicating drinks.

Tempest in a teapot: Much ado about nothing.

That's another cup of tea (British): Another angle on a story.

What's that got to do with the price of tea?: Why is that important?

Gustafson is also the author of The Agony of the Leaves: The Ecstasy of My Life with Tea.
I haven't read it yet, but I will!

(Image from Art and Tea by Karen Park Buddha's Palm Oolong Tea)

Lastly, I'd like to share a blog with you that I've been following since I first started in the blogging world: Art and Tea. Karen Park knits, makes jewelry, enjoys mixed media, and works for the Upton Tea Company, one of the tea companies that Gustafson recommends. Karen shares a cup of tea with her readers on Saturday. She describes the tea, tells how the tea is brewed, shares the history of the tea. Please drop by and visit with Karen and learn more about the world of tea.

Happy Tea Tuesday!
Wishing all of you well.


  1. I liked reading the expressions, some of which I use!

  2. Nice post, Snap.... I bet we would enjoy that book. We order our teas from Specialty Teas ---and we've had some GREAT ones...

    I recognize some of those statements --especially the ones near the bottom (last 6 or so)....

    Thanks for an interesting post.

  3. Dear Snap,
    You always surprise us with an interesting subject and idea.
    This post is very nice!
    Lately I'm appreciating more and more tea.I've discovered Jasmin, and I'm in love at it!:)
    I know nothing about the jasmim's tea but it's delicious and I hope it is also good for my health.
    Léia ( and little LUNA )
    ** everything okay with the kitties?

  4. I love these expressions that include tea. Some of them were new to me, some of them quite familiar. The illustration on the book cover reminds me of the original Winnie the Pooh. I am going to go and make myself a cup of tea now.

  5. Hello Snap!
    Thanks for dropping into my blog!
    Your post this morning is fascinating. I am not familiar with these books so will do some further investigation. Thanks so much for sharing!! Hugs, Laura

  6. Great post! Love the tea expressions!...Christine

  7. Thanks for your visit and I enjoyed the expressions you shared today! Happy Tea Tuesday.


  8. Hi there. Thanks for sharing us your collection of books. Will have to check it out especially coz tea and serenity is what I need right now. Stopping by from Tea Cup Tuesday.

  9. Hi :) Very lovely post; I never knew these expressions; It's nice to know the meanings of them :)

    Wishing you a lovely Tea Tuesday!

    Warmest hugs, Brenda

  10. Thank you for the very interesting tea post. I especially enjoyed the sayings that revolve around tea.

  11. Wonderful post, Snap! Thanks so much for your kind words and support!

  12. Great post Snap..thanks for visiting me today! Thanks for sharing your books with us..


  13. Wow..what a super lovely post! AWesome!! Love it..and yay..thanks for the cool link!
    Happy tea!!

  14. Hello Snap- Thank you for wishing me well. I am doing much better. Your post made me smile. I use several of these quotes myself and others were new to me. Have a blessed day.


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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