Sunday, June 13, 2010

Mosaic Monday

The hostess for Mosaic Monday is the lovely Mary. Be sure you visit to see the other posts.

I've mentioned before about the damage that this last winter did to our garden. We lost so many beautiful blooms. We decided to take advantage of Hobby Lobby's Garden Decor sale to add some *pop* to Musashi's Garden while we wait for the plants to come back.

One of the first things we saw were the crazy male and female flamingo with their welcome signs. We both laughed out loud and they were the first of the Garden Decor in the shopping cart!

Mosaic Musahi's Garden

We already had the beautiful cat -- the symbol for our kitty Musashi and Musashi's Garden, the Buddha and the sun. I've wanted a gazing ball for awhile now and we added the lovely red one to the garden.

Do you know about gazing balls?

To many, the gazing globe seems to be a fairly new piece of garden decor. In truth, gazing balls have a history dating back to gardens in the 13th century. And depending on its use, has been called many different names. The Garden Ball, Gazing Globe, and Garden Globe are all names we use today. Throughout history it's been called a Witch Ball, Butler Globe, Globe of Happiness, and Victorian Ball.

The ball also carries with it a few legends. It was said to bring happiness, good luck and prosperity to anyone who owned it. That's a good enough reason to own one. The globe was also said to ward off evil spirits, misfortune, and illness.

The gazing globe had some practical purposes. In Victorian times, the "Butler Ball" served as a mirror for servants to see when guests were needing assistance without staring at them throughout the meal. Another practical use was in the foyer of the home. Parents could keep a close eye on their daughter and her date as he bid her goodnight.

Today, the gazing ball is used as an enhancement to the garden and landscaping. The reflective ball lets you see the whole garden, including the sky, in one glance. A group of different colored balls peeking out from between shrubs gives a whimsical appeal to the garden. It is a simple but elegant piece of garden decor that fits well in almost any application.

Joy to You!


  1. I didn't know all those delightful things about gazing balls! Thank you!

  2. Hi Snap,
    I like all your ornamentation and will look forward to a complete photo of your blooming garden soon. I have wanted a gazing ball for several years, but know I'd have to store it in the garage over the winter, so I've hesitated. Maybe this summer...I like your red one (my favorite color). The flamingos make me smile.

  3. Nice mosaic and thanks for sharing the history of the gazing ball.

  4. I did not know the story of the Gazing Ball, thanks for sharing. A wonderful mosaic. Have a wonderful week:)

  5. Oh what a wonderful assortment of garden ornaments! Love your new gazing ball! :)

  6. Love all your whimsy and colors...I think it is great to have a little fun in color in a garden.

  7. Hi Snap, congratulations to your blue eyed cat!

    I love Mr & Mrs. Flamingo: her necklace is pretty and colorful and his outfit is just adorable.

    Happy gardening.

    Mosaic Monday

  8. Hi, Great mosaic! Hope you have a lovely new week!

  9. Thanks for the info about gazing balls. I have been thinking of getting one. What kind of stand do you put them on?. Love your mosaic, sorry you lost lots of blooms. I really like the dragonfly too....Christine

  10. I'm gonna have to get one of those gazing balls now. lol I love your mosaic and hope your garden does better this year.

  11. Great history on the gazing ball, thanks. I love all your yard art and ornaments. The dragonfly is one of my favorites and the cute little bird.
    Have a great week!

  12. So many charming signs of peace, love and good energies!I love your mosaic, wonderful stuffs and creative artwork!
    Have a nice week,

  13. lovely mosaic and thank you for sharing the info about the gazing ball.

  14. thanks for stopping by my Mosaic Monday!
    Love the colors and creativity in yours! Thanks for sharing the story behind gazing balls.

  15. When I look at someone's garden I really enjoy seeing some garden ornaments among the plants. I think it enhances the look. Thanks for sharing yours.

  16. Great post!!! I did not know the lore behind the gazing ball, but now that I do, I think I need to own one. I have been searching for a Buddha to put at the end of my garden...I really like the one you have in the mosaic. Have a wonderful week.

  17. What a fun mosaic.Love the gazing ball.

  18. You got some beautiful pretties to add to your yard! Love the mosaic. And what fun info on gazing balls! Have a great day!

  19. So sorry you had so much winter damage! (Sounds familiar, though LAST winter was unusually kind.) Garden art dds interest to the garden any time of year but especially in winter. I like your collage.

  20. Thank you! I had no idea gazing balls had such a long history. Yours is beautiful!

  21. What a fun collection! Great mosaic, and I love the information on the glazing balls. Have a great week!

  22. Your garden ornaments are all wonderful! I have the same cat statue in mine :-)

    Beautiful mosaic and I enjoyed learning more about gazing balls I want one!

  23. Hi Snap!

    What a darling name and blog.

    I have always thought gardens with gazing balls were special ... :) now we know why!

    Thanks for the information -- Please stop by and join us on Fridays-- Finding Beauty... you would be a perfect fit!


  24. The garden ornaments are great. Love the mosaic.

  25. I have two gazing balls in the garden - they mainly serve to reflect the bits of colour amid all the dark green of the woods. Very interesting post!

  26. Your garden is a magnificent place, Beautiful Lady ! Thanks for sharing the secret stories.
    Big Love to you.

  27. Beautiful collection of garden decor. They all work together so well in your mosaic. The red gazing ball is amazing and must look lovely in your garden.

  28. What lovely yard and garden additions!


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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