Sunday, May 23, 2010

Mosaic Monday

Mosaic What's Happening!

I took some time off last week. We had a doubleheader baseball game and lots of thunderstorms and lightening. This mosaic is a catch-up of sorts ... what's been blooming in Musashi's Garden -- new Irish Gold Hybrid Tea Rose and Double Knock Out Roses; the Jane Cowel
Hibiscus continues to bloom and bloom and bloom; the first harvest of Blue Lake Green Bush Beans from the balcony garden; the garden smells like gardenias -- heavenly; the one and only yellow day lily (note to self -- get more day lilies); the gorgeous red cannas; the pink cosmos dancing in the breeze and last, but not least to us, our baby doves both fledged on the same date and this is one of them. Exciting! They both are still around and eating at the buffet in Musashi's Garden. We'd know those beaks anywhere!

Have a wonderful week.

Joy to You!


  1. Beautiful flowers and a cute baby dove. Lovely photos and mosaic!

  2. What a wonderful mosaic, Snap, of Musashi's lush garden. I love the color of that hibiscus! The dove shot is perfect.

  3. Beautiful mosaic! Love your garden, the doves, and what a great harvest!

  4. I love the juxtaposing of the harvest of beans and the bird with the flowers!

  5. Wow, you have beans from the garden and I have not yet put our seeds into the garden. Beautiful blooms from the garden.

  6. Lovely flowers. Baby doves sure are big babies - almost as big as the parents in no time.

  7. I love that you added the beans.. I think I know that dove!

  8. Wonderful mosaic. I love the flowers & the bird! Thanks for the nice comment on my front porch!

  9. Beautiful mosaic! And joy to you also.


  10. The flowers are just so pretty! My favorite is the cosmos!

    Snap, I finally met Barb today, and it wads fun!!

    We also rescued one cat the other day and now we have two. I am blogging from my new "home"

    Deranged Insanity.

  11. Oh how beautiful! One of my favorite childhood memories is eating green beans straight out of the garden. My father always grew tons of them. :)

  12. Such a wonderful collection of pictures that just says it all about your week in the garden. Very Nice.

  13. Great mosaic, the colours are wonderful. I love fresh beans, it makes me want to reach into my computer and have a munch. Have a great week.

    From the 3 sisters 365.

  14. What exquisite roses!!! Beautiful!!! Thank you for your visit and kind words! Cathy

  15. Very nice! You have quite some wonderful growing going on there. Love your including the bird! ~Jeanne

  16. Hi Snap,

    So pretty! I'm a big fan of cosmos - love how they reseed themselves year after year!


  17. Can't wait to feed on green beans fresh from the garden. Thanks for sharing your lovely mosiac. Valerie

  18. Lovely! I'm envious of your green beans, and the flowers are beautimous!

  19. Beautiful stuff growing in your garden, Ms Snap ! Cosmos are a dear favorite of mine as they were what my dad planted every summer. Gorgeous in the breeze, as you say.
    Enjoy your treasures today !
    Big Love to you and Mr. Dragon.

  20. I dig the mosaic! I've been looking at flowers all week and it's so nice to see more beautiful ones!!

  21. Gorgeous roses. I don't think I can ever get tire of looking at them. Nice job with the Mosaic.

  22. Beautiful flowers, and the green beans look so fresh!

  23. So, so beautiful! I love the bird in the corner ~ perfect arrangement!


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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