Sunday, May 2, 2010

Mosaic Monday: Japanese Garden

It's Monday and that means Mosaic Monday, hosted every week by the lovely Mary at The Dear Little Red House. Be sure you visit.

Edited to include link to Today's Flowers -- a virtual flower garden. So many of you have enjoyed the iris, I thought I should share them a little more!

Mr. Dragon and I went to the Japanese Garden in Hermann Park last week.
It was a beautiful afternoon. The humidity was low and we had the garden almost to ourselves.

With its waterfalls, bridges, and stone paths that wander among crepe myrtles, azaleas, Japanese maples, dogwoods, and peach and cherry trees, the Japanese Garden is a peaceful hideaway in the Park. This particular garden is a daimyo style, and includes a tea garden, a kaiyushiki stroll garden, and a scroll garden.

I have lots of photos and you may have to put up with them for several weeks!

Mosaic From the Tea House

This is the Japanese Tea House and all of these photos are shots from or around the Tea House.

Iris Blooming

We were too late for the azaleas in the Japanese Garden, but there were a few Iris still blooming.

More next week!


A quick update on Mr. Dragon. The feeding tube is out and he is learning how to eat all over again. Much easier said than done. He doesn't have much energy, so when we go out we make sure there are plenty of places to sit and rest. The Japanese Garden was perfect. Going in the afternoon, all the school children (at the museum of natural science or the zoo) were gone and we could find a good parking place. He's lost weight. Each day is an adventure, but the doctors are happy about the pathology report and very optimistic. We keep plugging along.

Thanks again for all your love, prayers, support, white light, et al.
We do appreciate it and you!


  1. Very beautiful mosaics! Hope you have a wonderful new week!

  2. Beautiful flowers in a beautiful garden! Enjoyed your mosaics!

  3. I'm happy you and Mr Dragon could enjoy the Japanese Garden together. The blooms and serenity there must have been healing.Your photos are so lovely.

  4. What a beautiful Iris, all of the flowers where fantastic. I did have fun doing my Modge podge, a lot of fun actually. Happy Monday to you and thanks for sharing your wonderful inspirations Mosaic!

  5. The Japanese Garden photos are lovely, and I look forward to seeing more. Glad to hear that Mr. Dragon's physicians are optimistic. I hope each day brings more physical strength and endurance. Cyber-Hugs, Mr. Dragon!

  6. Oohhh it looks like a beautiful serene spot and those flowers are breathtaking! Can't wait to see more of it. Glad to hear the Mr. is improving and getting out and about. RYC: hehe glad you're enjoying. I haven't decided on next week yet, perhaps an apple orchard or Vermont. I love this time of year! ~Jeanne

  7. I love Japanese gardens. I'm sure its healing effect will manifest itself for you and Mr. Dragon!

  8. It looks like the perfect healing place. The iris are spectacular.

  9. What a peaceful place and lovely photos.
    I'm sorry to hear about Mr.Dragon.
    Bless you both.

  10. oooh, the iris mosaic is very pretty!!

    The Blue Ridge Gal

  11. Gorgeous flowers! Thanks for the nice comment on "My Favorite Outdoor Space" post.
    Hope you have a wonderful week.

  12. The Japanese Garden are lovley and I happy you and Mr Dragon well able to go. I hope he is feeling better soon.

  13. That is a very peaceful place. When can I move in? And a bonus iris mosaic too! Good news on the dragon front, it's an upward climb so keep putting one foot in front of the other.

  14. What a wonderful place to go enjoy and rest one's soul for a bit.

  15. So glad to hear your were out and about. I know you will nourish the lovely husband with all your wonderful cooking. Beautiful photos and much white light and prayers to you both!

  16. What a lovely place to visit! I think the iris mosaic is BEAUTIFUL!

  17. Thanks for sharing your trip to the gardens. Hope your husband has a fast and full recovery.

  18. That looks like an incredible place to visit and I will look forward to more. I would never get tired of these, your photos are gorgeous! I too wish your dear husband a speedy recovery.

  19. what lovely gardens, I especially love the irises. so glad to hear that your husband is making progress, I shall continue to hold you both in my prayers!

  20. Gorgeous photos Snap and sooooo glad to hear that Mr. Dragon is doing so well.

    Take care,

  21. The Irises and mosaics are lovely. So is the Japanese garden you visited. It looks like a calm and serene place. My best of luck wishes for Mr Dragon and may he have a smooth and fast recovery. Do take good care of yourself too.

  22. I love Japanese gardens. They always look so tranquil and peaceful....Christine

  23. Oh, I am so glad to read the update on your husband. How nice that you were able to go out for a gentle adventure to such a lovely spot.

  24. I will keep your Dear Mr. Dragon in prayer... I was unaware that this was going on in your life (I usually stop by on Postcard Friendship Fridays). Hope that this week is one of continued recovery.

  25. Hi Snap,

    Glad you could both enjoy such a beautiful afternoon in such a wondeful setting!


  26. So lovely flowers
    in a beautiful garden :)))))
    Great job ;)

  27. These collages are wonderful!Adorable garden, very special indeed and glad to know that Mr.Dragon is feeling better.I'm sending love and sweet energies for his heart, be positive!
    Luna - we love luna

  28. Flowers are a good start. Will look forward to more. Sending good thoughts to your DH for his recovery. Jane F.

  29. I am glade that you can take him out, although it was tiring, it must be so comforting for him to be able to be out in the nature. Take care.

  30. Good to hear the update on Mr Dragon. I'm still keeping you both in my thoughts.

    Sorry I haven't been by in awhile. Just busy.

    LOVE the tea house mosaic!!

  31. Thanks for visiting my blog and for your nice comments. Your iris are so pretty! Mine haven't quite opened up yet. How fun to visit the Japanese Gardens!


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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