Thursday, April 15, 2010

Garden Bloggers Bloom Day April 2010

I've found a new to me meme thanks to a new blogging friend over at A Garden of Threads.

The meme is called Garden Bloggers Bloom Day and once a month, on the 15th, you blog what is in bloom in your garden. I can do that! And, I'm going to have fun seeing what's blooming in all the other gardens.

Pink Rose

I love the pink roses blooming on our balcony.
Unfortunately, I have no idea what they are called.
They have been in a pot on the balcony for 10 years and supply us with these lovely blooms.

Pink Rose

Purple Trumpet Vine

The lavender trumpet vine I can tell you a little about.
I found most of this information at HGTV!

Lavender trumpet vine may be one of the most exquisite vines for residential landscapes in warmer regions. Originating in Argentina, Clytostoma callistegioides is hardy to Zone 10 but will die back and re-grow in winters of Zone 9. The large trumpet flowers are four inches long, striped in lavender and purple. When blooming, the vine is engulfed in color for weeks in spring but may produce occasional flowers through the rest of the growing season, too.
What makes this vine so appealing is its modest size and lacy look. Foliage is sparser than the jessamines, which makes it a popular subject for spider web espalier with invisible anchors on colored stucco walls. Its heavy bloom production has made it a favorite for draping over the tops of walls and fences for a virtual waterfall of purple spilling down the front. Moderate growth makes this vine slower to become established, but once it feels at home there is virtually no pruning or special care required.


The hibiscus originally in these pots did not make it through our winter.
It was a lovely, dwarf Hawaiian hibiscus.
I replaced them with the Jane Cowel hibiscus (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis 'Jane Cowel') .
I'll have to keep them trimmed, but love the peachy color.


Joy to You!


  1. You've offered some lush colors, Snap. It's a joy to visit you!

  2. Beautiful photos of beautiful blooms! Welcome to garden bloggers' bloom day. Great-looking cats, too!

  3. Thanks for visiting my little blog project and leaving a comment. Beautiful pictures. I think your rose might be "Queen Elizabeth". Is it a floribunda (multiple blooms from one stem) - then it might be that one. Always one of my favorites.

  4. Lovely! That hibiscus is just gorgeous! And so is everything else.

  5. Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment;-) Your roses are lovely, as is your hibiscus. Sometimes plants overwinter better in the ground than in a pot, I've found. I notice the dianthus in the didn't mention those:-)

  6. I was thinking exactly in the vein of Heather Bell. The thing is though, that there are so many pink hybrid teas as well as grandifloras of which your rose could be either. It certainly is beautiful.

    Thank you, too, for commenting on my "blooming" post!

  7. Hi, Snap, thanks for visiting my blog today! I love that lavender trumpet vine! Will have to look for that one. Are you in Zone 9? 'Jane Cowell' is a beautiful hibiscus!

  8. Hi,

    Lovely blooms, such nice flowers to have - feels more like summer than spring! :)

  9. That rose is the perfect pink. And hibiscus - something so sensual about them. I have vowed that one day (hopefully soon) I will be living in a place that allows these to grow outside all year. Gorgeous photos.

  10. OMG! Your blooms are too beautiful for words! And surprise, surprise my favorite is NOT the lavender one but the hibiscus. Such a gorgeous, soft luscious color. Fantastic shots!!

  11. For those who have tried to help with the name of the rose ... it is a hybrid tea. Yes, I'm in Zone 9. I'm afraid that all our hibiscus bit the dust during our winter. I haven't begun to clean them all out, but will get to it eventually. I hear help may be coming next week! :D

  12. Peach colored hibiscuses are my favorite - they are so lush. Love teh lavender trumpet vine too; I need to add that to my wish list:) Thanks for stopping by Creating Character and come again soon.

  13. Your beautiful garden was such a pleasure to visit today. make me want to try the whole green thumb again. I can smell the roses from here! have a wonderful weekend and thanks for being such a great bloggy, froggy, friend:)

  14. Gorgeous!! Especially love the pink roses.

  15. Simply beautiful.

  16. Such pretty blooms. Do you leave your rose out on your balcony through the winter? I enjoyed reading your other posts as well. I hope your lovely Miss Riley stays well for a very long time.


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