Saturday, April 17, 2010

Camera Critters

Camera Critters is hosted each Saturday by the lovely Misty.
Be sure you visit!

I haven't posted anything about our little Miss Riley in sometime.
I thought today I'd bring you up-to-date.

Riley was Mr. Rocky's litter mate. If you remember, Rocky died of a sudden heart attack.
On Riley's regular visit to the vet, he spent extra time with her and found a heart murmur.

She had an echocardiogram and has a little thin sided heart that has trouble beating.
It is probably the most difficult of the heart conditions to treat.

Right now she is doing fine. She's on two medications that have to be specially compounded into tuna flavored treats. Believe it or not, she quite enjoys her *treats* twice a day.


Here is the little Miss in the bedroom we call the studio.


Miss Riley with one her best friends, Raggedy Ann!

Miss Riley

We don't know how long we will be blessed with her presence.
She's a little doll we call the Impress!

Happy Critter Day!


  1. Miss Riley is quite beautiful! I pray that she has many more years to enjoy being with her loving family :)

  2. Beautiful cat who we hope will bless your home for a long time.

    Darryl and Ruth : )

  3. What a beauty and a blessing for you to have. I hope the meds work and you get to enjoy her for many years.

  4. Each day is special with her. She is beautiful and looks to be a peace with everything. Thanks for keeping us updated. Have a great weekend:)

  5. Riley is such a cutie! I hope she continues to be a good girl and take her medication willingly.

  6. I hope Miss Riley hangs around for a long time. Love the shot of her and the Raggady Ann doll. How cute!

  7. Hooray for tuna flavoured (medicated) treats!

  8. Lovely Riley, so glad they found her heart condition and can treat it. Cool about the compounding of the meds as giving a kitty a pill is not an easy task.

    My Quasi Boy gets his heart pills in a small creme puff every day.

  9. Miss Riley looks very content and happy. I hope those tuna flavored "treats" help her and that she is with you for many years to come. I love the photo of her and the doll!!!

  10. Lovely photos of Miss Riley. She is a beautiful little cat.

  11. Meow..meow..
    Hi my sweety how are you ..
    My beauty ;-)
    hugs from Kareltje =^.^=

    Have all a puurfect weekend
    Anya :)

  12. Riley's fur and her lovely eyes do make her an Impress! I hope the meds work for her. I wonder if the entire litter was affected with heart issues? Hope you and Mr Dragon have a great weekend, Snap!

  13. Riley is a beauty. I hope the daily treats help her.

  14. What a sweet Miss Riley; and isn't it always something? I'm sorry about her *temporary* problem. Is there anything that tuna can't make better ? :O)

  15. She's a beauty and obviously very precious to you. Strange how these animals manage to twine themselves around our hearts.

  16. Interesting black cat. Mysterious at the same time. They say cat have nine lives. :-)

  17. Thanks for visiting. :-) Happy Critter Day to you too. :-)

  18. I think she is gorgeous! I hope she'll be with you for a long while!


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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