Monday, February 22, 2010

Mosaic Monday/My World

Today you are getting a two for one (or is that a one for two)?!!!

Mosaic Monday's hostess is the lovely Mary at The Little Red House. Be sure to visit.

It's also time for My World where you can travel around the world without leaving home.

Hermann Park

The weather finally cooperated last week and on Friday we went to Hermann Park. It wasn't raining, it wasn't too cold, but the sun wasn't shining. Too bad! French artist Bernar Venet transformed Hermann Park from a green space into an outdoor gallery with the exhibit "The Monumental Sculpture of Bernar Venet" and we wanted to see them.

As you can tell, the sculptures are enormous. Some tower 30 feet and weigh 12 tons. Venet's sculptures have been called "monumental linear improvisations." The beams are bent into arcs and curves. Venet allows each beam's unique reaction to extreme heat and pressure to play a role in the final form. The works are simple, inviting, playful. We watched several small children walk up to them in awe, look around as if to see if anyone was watching, and walk/climb through. One of the sculptures had a sign to please not touch -- as if everyone could resist! We called our favorite "the blooming onion"!

The exhibition, sponsored by the Texan French Alliance for the Arts (TFAA), opened in January and will remain on display for nine months.

I had to throw in some of the *regulars* found in Hermann Park: the train, Mr. Hermann himself, and the wonderful, well fed, top-knot duck!

Happy Monday!


  1. I am probably noticing the wrong thing here (there are statues? huh?) but WHAT is that bird wearing on its head? Haaahaaa!

  2. Wonderful Mosaic !!!!
    Very creative ....

    Kareltje =^.^=
    Anya :-)

  3. Looks like a fun park! really cool looking sculptures! I'd have touched, too :)

    Love the duck!

  4. Ha! I have to say, my eye went right to that fabulous duck! He's rockin' that topknot. :)

    I love to visit sculpture gardens. There's a fabulous one near my mother in NJ. Thanks for the introduction to another...

    And thank you very much for the pep talk in your comment on my recent post. I know it's not going to be as bad as what I imagine. I just need to DO IT. :D


  5. What a fun place, cool sculptures!

  6. How simply original your mosaic with the steel and red train, honey!! I can never come up with such clever things to show. I think I'm in a rut and better start digging myself out. Darling post.

  7. Really great shots of cool sculptures and I love your mosaic! But the duck did grab me, too! What is that on his head? An early Easter bonnet! Fun post for the day! Have a great week!


  8. Love those shots looking through the arches. And of course the duck! Looks like a cool place to visit. ~Jeanne

  9. Wow, such interesting shots! I had a great time perusing some of your other posts too! Nice visiting with you!

    Kindly, ldh

  10. Those steel sculptures are way cool, I like large public art like that that you can interact with.

    Love the duck, especially since we have a crested duck too!, but the colors on this one are gorgeous.

    Google the Decordova Museum in MA and you will like what you see there if you like this.

  11. Love the sculpture park - and maybe that duck was as well?!

  12. Wow! Very impressive sculptures.

  13. Very nice. I love the sculptures.

  14. ooh, very interesting sculptures - I love the lines and perspectives. Very lucky to have such an interesting exhibit so close by.

  15. Great pictures. It has been 30 years since I've been to Hermann Park. Time to revisit when I get down to Houston.

  16. Thanks for your nice comments on my post. What interesting sculptures. How fun to discover so many fun places.

  17. What a wonderful park and love the sculpture, so unusual!

  18. Terrific pictures of the sculptures. The collage presentation made it easy to compare and see. :)

  19. I have never seen so many curly irons! The artist has got great talents! It is a beautiful park!

  20. great mosaic! what an interesting sulpture....


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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