Saturday, February 13, 2010

Camera Critters

It's Saturday and that means Camera Critters time!

The lovely Misty is our hostess for Critters. Be sure to visit!

Back to the Houston Zoo and giraffe feeding.

Giraffe Feeding

I'm not too sure about feeding this guy, Dad.
He seems friendly enough.

Giraffe Feeding

Grandpa gets into the act.

Giraffe Feeding

Mom seems to like feeding the giraffes.

Giraffe Feeding

Let me think about this.
He looks friendly enough.

Giraffe Feeding

Let's go for it!

Joy to You!


  1. What sweet 'critter' pictures, Snap... Love that little curly headed blonde...

    Thanks so much for the cute Valentine. I LOVE it.

    Watched and loved the Opening Ceremonies of the Olympics last night.


  2. That is so cool. It is good to teach the children about these animals.

  3. Nice photos of feeding the giraffes.
    Glad the little guy decided to go for it, he'll remember that day for a long time.

  4. A fascinating series of photos ending with the decision of the young boy. He, as well as the giraffes, are definitely worth photographing.

  5. oh I adore these!!!! I love giraffes!!! what a lucky little boy to get to do this. Thanks for making my day!!!

  6. What a beautiful story told through photographs. By the time you reach the last one and see him ready to dig in, as the giraffe waits patiently (almost ... looks like that little giraffe is ready go meet him halfway!!), it's a perfect ending!

  7. Wow, I would love to be able to feed giraffes! but at least I get to enjoy seeing others do it. Great shots!

  8. So cool! What a neat experience.

  9. How neat to be able to hand feed the giraffes. Great memories and great photos!

  10. Great photos of the giraffes....and your little guy is so cute.

  11. Great shots of the Giraffes and the handsome little one.

  12. Great photos!
    What a curly headed cutie your little one is! I love how the little giraffe seems to be looking at him so sweetly. :)

  13. It's amazing to me that the public can help with the feeding. Great Pics, Snap!

  14. Sweet! Did you feed them too? I've often wondered what those long tongues feel like and look like up close.

  15. Beautiful photos of a happy day! Your grandson is very sweet :-)

  16. OH how darling....great photos...I am glad your grandson got the courage to be able to enjoy the moment...


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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