Saturday, January 23, 2010

Camera Critters

Misty is the hostess for Camera Critters.
Be sure you drop by to visit.

A couple of shots of a ring tailed lemur at the Houston Zoo.

Lemurs are primates found only on the African island of Madagascar and some tiny neighboring islands. Madagascar is home to many amazing animals found nowhere else on Earth. The Ring-tailed lemur, Lemur catta, is one of twenty-two species of lemurs. They share a common ancestry with Africa's monkeys and apes, but were isolated from those species probably 50 million years ago when Madagascar separated from the African continent.

The word Lemur comes from old Latin, and refers to ghosts or spirits. The staring eyes, haunting sounds, and nocturnal ways of the lemur inspired early observers to think of them as ghosts or forest spirits.

Ringtailed Lemur

Ring-tailed lemurs are unmistakable because of their long, vividly striped, black-and-white tail. They are familiar residents of many zoos.

Lemurs use their hands and feet to move nimbly through the trees, but cannot grip with their tails as some of their primate cousins do. Ring-tailed lemurs also spend a lot of time on the ground, which is unusual among lemur species. They forage for fruit, which makes up the greater part of their diet, but also eat leaves, flowers, tree bark, and sap.

Ringtailed Lemur

Ring-tailed lemurs have powerful scent glands and use their unique odor as a communication tool and even as a kind of weapon. Lemurs mark their territory by scent, serving notice of their presence to all who can smell. During mating season, male lemurs battle for dominance by trying to out stink each other. They cover their long tails with smelly secretions and wave them in the air to determine which animal is more powerful.

Ring-tailed lemurs live in groups known as troops. These groups may include 6 to 30 animals, but average about 17. Both sexes live in troops, but a dominant female presides over all.

Ring-tailed lemurs are endangered, largely because the sparse, dry forests they love are quickly vanishing.

Happy Saturday!
Joy to You!


  1. The Lemurs are Cool critters, great shots. BTW, I love the dragonfly in your header picture.

  2. Adorable! Lemurs are one of the cutest animals!
    My CC

  3. There you are, Snap! Sorry, I couldn't find you for a little bit.

    I love lemurs. They're just so darned cute. I always love your zoo pics. I think I'll do a zoo post soon as my sister, Anne, and I went while she was in town.Have a great weekend!

  4. Interesting post and pictures!

    I enjoyed seeing the pics very much!



  5. Lemur is cute and your pictures are perfect.Very interesting critter!
    purrs and love
    Luna - We love LUNA

  6. Sweet! And, I love the lighting in the photos!

    My C C is posted below my Photo Hunt Photo. Come see if you have time in your busy day! Happy weekend.


  7. I think lemurs are just about the coolest thing ever! Even put one on my wish list last Christmas. Didn't work, probably because they have so much integrity. (Everything else worked though!)

    my wish list 2008

  8. Lemurs are wonderful little animals. Thank you for posting the additional information about them....I know that they too are suffering from habitat loss...Michelle

  9. Lemurs are so cute! I'm near the Houston zoo, but I've never gotten such beautiful photos.

  10. Fascinating info, Snap, about a stinky, cute creature.

  11. Great shots and I love that you added the information too. Love to learn while enjoying the beautiful photos!

  12. Evolution demonstrated - what beautiful creatures they are but ultimately, sadly, destined to extinction. Wonderful photos to archive.

  13. They are cute little guys (or gals!) You always have such informative posts about the animals you show. I knew very little about lemurs until today.

  14. Hi Snap, I do believe that lemur was posing just for you! That second photo looks like he is the CEO of lemurs. Sharon

  15. I saw Lemurs on Life recently. They certainly like to fill their fruit quota.

  16. Aren't they cute, Snap???? You have so many great pictures from the Houston Zoo.

  17. Lovely photos of the lemur. Funny that the males dominate by strength of odor.

  18. We had a lemur's at the Biodome here in Montreal for a while too, they're amazing creatures and they sure can jump!

  19. The last photo looks like she is deep thought! Lemurs are beautiful.

  20. Great shots of the lemurs. I have seen that last Summer for the first time.
    Beautiful Kitty

  21. Great information. Thanks, and the Latin name for these wonderful animals is perfect!

  22. An interesting post with excellent photos.

  23. This shot me reminds me of a little old man leaning on his cane. :)
    Fascinating info you've shared. I wasn't aware of the ghosts/spirits reference.
    He is a cute little fellow - nice shots!


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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