Saturday, January 9, 2010

Camera Critters

Misty is our wonderful hostess for Camera Critters.
Make sure you drop by to visit.

I call this series Teddy and his favorite things!


Teddy in the sun.


Teddy drinking from his favorite faucet.


Teddy with his favorite staff.
Just a little more to the right, please.

Happy Critter Day!

Joy to You!


  1. What a beautiful color gray he Teddy is. We could use his fur about now
    up here in the northeast.

    Looks like he gets plenty of loving just like some other critters I know.

  2. Teddy you are so sweet
    so cute lovely cat ...
    Hugs Love for you
    Kareltje =^.^=

  3. Looks like one very conteneted cat.

  4. Nice cat, we had a cat called Teddy. Its funny that they see to be curious about water and water based things but are scared of it as well.

  5. Really cute cat, I like the first image when he is in the sun and has the toy mouse by his feets. Thanks for the visit.

  6. Cats know how to live, don't they? Sitting and warming themselves in the sun - hey wait a minute - I like to do that too! Sweet boys you have there.

  7. Hello dear friend!
    wow Teddy, you are so charming in the first shot!The last shot is outstanding, I also love these cuddles and snuggles!Sooo good!
    purrs and love
    Luna - We love Luna

  8. Teddy wouldn't be spoiled, would he????? I could almost hearing him purring in that last picture.. I think Daddy was purring also!!!!! ha

    Great post, Mrs. Dragon.

  9. I like how you said, "Teddy's staff," because we all know that we don't won cats, they own us!

  10. I love cats and Teddy seems like he's got a great life!

  11. What a beautiful cat! Great captions under the pictures too!

  12. Looks like Teddy is king of the castle! Nice shots.

  13. So pretty!! Love the last pictures. Is there anything better? Nope!

  14. NOw, that teddy is really an adorable critter! :) Looks like we know who rules the roost!!

    Thanks for stopping by my place.

  15. Great photos! He doesn't look spoiled at all :)

  16. Teddy is such a cutie! He looks like my nieces kitty. Good capture! :)

  17. Such an adorable kitty.. Nice shots!

  18. Snap: This reminds me of the Christmas song that talks about "my favorite things".

  19. Teddy looks quite content. Funny to see him drinking out of a faucet. He does seem to love a scratch in just the right place.

  20. Teddy is adorable and looks well loved.

  21. Teddy is a cutie!
    I love the one of him posing in the sunlight - so cute!

  22. Teddy looks like he has a pretty good life! That's quite a contented look on his face in the last photo. What a doll!

    Thanks for visiting my camera critter post and leaving your nice comment.

    Hope you're having a nice weekend.

  23. Give that Teddy a loving pet for me for bringing so much joy--to all of us. Very photogenic critter.

  24. My kitty drinks from the faucet too. And she does that to me sit on my chest except that I put a pillow under neath, she 's a bit heavy.

    This photo is very sweet.


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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