Saturday, December 12, 2009

Camera Critters

It's Camera Critters time!
Misty is our wonderful hostess over at Camera Critters.
Be sure to visit.

Spectacled bear

Another visit to the Houston Zoo.
This time to see the Spectacled Bear.

The Andean or spectacled bear of South America gets one of its common names from the rings of white or light fur around its eyes, which look like eyeglasses (or spectacles) against the rest of the black or dark brown fur. These markings often extend down the chest, giving each bear a unique appearance (and helping researchers identify bears by their "mug shots!"). The markings also give the bear its scientific name: Tremarctos ornatus, or decorated bear.

Normally diurnal, very little is known about these bears in the wild. They are shy, tend to avoid humans.

The habitat of the Andean bear is being destroyed for mining operations, farming, and lumber. The construction of new roads fragments bear habitat as well. As their habitat shrinks, bears may stray onto farmland, feeding on the crops that replaced their natural diet. These bears have been hunted in the past for their meat, fat, and body parts, but they are now protected from international trade.

The Andean bear is one of the flagship species of national parks in the Andes. This means that the bear, an animal that people recognize easily, is used as the symbol of the parks. Local people in bear habitats are being educated about the benefits of preserving habitat for the bears for tourism, for the protection of water sources, and for the natural heritage of future generations.


  1. Nice shots of teh bear, they are different looking.

  2. Oh..we had some of those in the Pheonix zoo when I lived there!! Beautiful aren't they!!
    Hugs to you hon, Sarah

  3. Amazing bears, such interesting markings. Thanks for the video also and also for the very enjoyable post.

  4. love the bears and enjoyed the video. Thanks

  5. snap, I don't do camera critters but i love your bear!! :)

  6. oh my goodness what a funny little-er, big-bear!

    I popped over from the Treehouse to thank you for leaving Vanessa some birthday wishes!

    I love love love the silent monks. CRAZY!

    Have a lovely day!

  7. What a lovely pair of bears. When one of them was in the water and all you can see is its head, it looked like a dog. Beautiful coloring and I love the idea that they are like an old married couple.

  8. Thanks for sharing. I enjoyed the video. Great entry.

    My entry

  9. Wouldn't want to meet them in the woods. But they are gorgeous. xo

  10. What an interesting face on that bear.

  11. I have never heard of these magnificent creatures ! Thanks for the lesson, Teach !
    Wishing your and Mr. Dragon a cozy, peaceful Sunday.

  12. I always learn so much from your camera critters. Great little video the zoo does.

    These bears are really sweet looking.

    Have a happy Sunday.


  13. Interesting post, I have never seen this one as I can recall. Thanks for sharing.

  14. Wonderful post ... nifty friendship! Thanks for your visit to Small Reflections ;-)
    Hugs and blessings,

  15. A decorated bear--what will they think of next!? Seriously, thanks for giving us one more beautiful creature to love [and protect].
    Please know Mr. & Mrs. Dragon are in my thoughts this week...

  16. Beautiful bears with their unique markings. I enjoyed reading and seeing the video about them.

  17. What a beautiful bear...there is something almost vulnerable about these creatures...I'm sure I wouldn't want to be alone with one...they probably aren't THAT vulnerable, but they do look so awfully sweet!

  18. What a cutie! I think the Houston Zoo just went on my to-visit list.


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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