Monday, November 9, 2009

My World

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We were walking around the campus of
Rice University on Halloween
going to the Howl-o-ween Barkathon
when we came across this:

It is a portion of the Berlin Wall.
It sits outside the Baker Institute for Public Policy.
I believe today is the anniversary of the wall coming down and thought
I'd share this small portion with you.

Here are a very few of the participants in the Barkathon.
It was held as a fund raiser for women's athletics
and for a local animal rescue group.
They raised over $35,000.

This family came as the Jackson 5 -- complete with gloves and hats.
They and their dog were one of the winners.

None of the little lady dogs wanted their faces in the pictures.
But they sure enjoyed showing off their dresses!

Loved the little elf.

This little guy was in constant motion
as you can tell by the blurry photo.

Click here to view all participants of My World Tuesday.


  1. Interesting to have a portion of the Berlin Wall on the campus. I love the Howl-o-ween idea - what wonderful costumes!

  2. What a find! I've always thought that campus grounds were a kind of museum of their own. Great photos! Have a good week :O)

  3. Snap: What a fun post and I love the dressed up dogs.

  4. That barkathon raised quite a bit of money!! Very impressed!!!

    And a piece of the Berlin wall...not something you'd expect to see in Texas but I love the global idea of what held people back and kept people out being displayed around the remind us that barriers like that are an affront to mankind.

  5. What gorgeous pictures. A ouiece of the Berlin wall, that is very special.

  6. That is really neat having a section of the Berlin wall! Very special indeed! Love all the dogs in costumes, too, and such a great cause to raise money for!

    Have a great week! Thanks for your visit!


  7. OH, Snap - a Barkathon? Great! I like the dogs getting into the act. Hope nobody gave them chocolate, though.
    Hope Mr Dragon feels better.

  8. The Bark-a-thon sounds like a success. Love their costumes, and the people too.
    Interesting to see another piece of the Wall today.

  9. Good idea to show the portion of the Berlin Wall at the University on the anniversary of it coming down.

    Good shots of the animals for the fundraiser.

  10. Wow...that's quite a bit of money to raise and it certainly looks like man and beast enjoyed themselves!

    So interesting to see a portion of the Berlin quickly time flies.

  11. How cool that you have a portion of the Berlin Wall right there. And those doggie costumes are so cute! I doubt I could get one of the cats to dress up though!!

  12. Yes, today is the day, Snap. I watched on TV the reenactment of the wall falling. They used a 'domino' effect. It was neat!!!!!

    Cute little dogs. Amazing that they made $35,000 on that event. WOW!!!

  13. Great idea for a post today!
    Thank you for visiting My Muskoka !

  14. Hi Snap, thanks for sharing your part of the Berlin Wall!
    My daughter would love the Barkathon! They look so cute in their costumes!

    Enjoy your wine festival!

  15. Snap great post! Yes we had the anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall on every TV channel this week. I was in France with my mum when we heard of the erection of the wall. It stood there in Berlin for more than 25 years and now pieces of it are to be found all over the world.

  16. Thanks for reminding us about the wall coming down. A piece of history for us to reflect upon. The barkthon pictures are great. What fun. Thanks for sharing.

  17. the dogs = heeeeehehe!

    I have a few pieces of the Berlin wall! In a wardrobe at my mum's house. Picked them when I was very young when they were tearing down the wall.

  18. Very cute doggie costumes. Thanks for sharing your photos of the dog and the wall.

  19. Quite something to have that large a piece of the wall on campus. I believe Monday was the anniversary - students on our campus built a symbolic wall and I wrote on that in lieu of the original. Appropriately, later that day, Richard Thompson's song "Wall of Death" came up on my iPod.

    I was a bit taken aback when the students asked if I wanted to learn more about the wall itself. It brought home to me that the wall was both built and torn down in my life time, and it was gone before some of them were born.


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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