Thursday, November 12, 2009

A Christmas Carol

Mr. Dragon and I went to see Disney's A Christmas Carol on Monday at the Houston Museum of Natural Science. Strange place to see a movie? Not at all if you want to see it in 3D IMAX and try to catch the snowflakes! What is a bit out of the ordinary -- it was the second movie we went to see this year. We just aren't big movie goers. Julie and Julia was such a hit with us, we thought we'd try a holiday movie before the lines got too long.

A Christmas Carol

Disney has presented two other adaptations of A Christmas Carol: Mickey's Christmas Carol in 1983 and the Muppet Christmas Carol in 1992. They are all so different -- hand-drawn animation, puppetry and now, 3D and IMAX 3D. In this movie, actions of human actors are recorded and then used to animate digital characters -- as in Polar Express.

Jim Carrey plays Scrooge and the three ghosts of Christmas. Gary Oldman is Bob Cratchit. I read a review in one of our local neighborhood newspapers that said "the film is so jam-packed with effects that it seemed more like a Disney amusement ride than a motion picture."

We enjoyed A Christmas Carol. We enjoyed the Houston Museum of Natural Science, too! I wouldn't recommend this movie for very young children (or for older children who frighten easily) -- too many frightening ghostly effects.


  1. Thanks for the report Ms. Snap! I do believe I shall try to take it in. Sharon

  2. I was just thinking I should go see this since A Christmas Carol is one of my favorite stories & I always get a kick out of Jim Carrey. So thank you for your review!

  3. I love A Christmas Carol... We usually watch the 'old' on e on TV during December. I'll bet the 3-D version with Jim Carrey is quite different.

  4. That movie was a big disappointment to the studios out here. 30 mil opening weekend. That's not good. But they opened it too early. It's not even Thanksgiving yet!!

  5. A Christmas Carol in 3-D sounds like a scary event! I might feel a bit afraid of the ghosts too. :)

  6. sounds like great fun...I'll have to see it with my hubby as all my children are grown!

  7. i love the idea of trying to catch the 3D snowflakes! must get to see this...i adore jim carrey! happy PFF!

  8. Now I'm really looking forward to seeing this! My favorite is the Patrick Stewart TNT edition but then there's the Muppets, oh my. . .Thanks for sharing your review; hope your weekend is lovely :O)

  9. Very interesting blog! I enjoyed reading it today. Have a good rest of this wonderful day!

  10. One of my very favorite movies is The Polar Express.

    There are so many adaptations of this story, that it's always interesting to see what will happen. I love the Muppet Christmas Carol (Michael Caine is fantastic as Scrooge), and I'm also quite fond of the version with Patrick Stewart.

    I'm not sure we'll see this movie in the theater, but probably will when it comes out on dvd.

    I like Jim Carrey (in most things), and this seems right up his alley.

  11. Hi Snap, Thanks for the visit...
    Goodness you are gettin into the XMas spirit early...I can't even think about it at all,
    till my daughter's birthday is over Nov.25th...
    thats always a festival of Rachel's birthday...she is really into celebrating everything up big, can't say I am like her at all, bring on the new year, when I can be settled again hopefully

  12. HB wants to see this movie. We're like you....we seldom go see a movie in the theater.

  13. Jim Carrey as Scrooge sounds fun. I might have to see this version.

  14. Helloooo dahling!
    Cowboy and I are rarely theatre movie goers anymore either. We might go see a play orv two; but the movies usually come on at the house...
    HOWEVER i have been debating whether or not to see this one..the story itself remains one of my favorites, and the draw of Mr Carrey..
    ...i just wonder that it might be too scary for childrens and ROOS.

  15. I'd like to see this movie has always been one of my favorites. It would be totally awesome to see it in 3D! Lucky you!

  16. oooh, I didn't know this one existed but apparently it's "already" being shown in Sweden as well! I do like a good Disney film. If you haven't seen Enchanted, please do! :D

  17. These two movies are our picks as well this year...been quiyte some time for my man and I to go to the theatre...but these 2 brought us out!
    We see the Disney movie on Wednesday next! imax sounds good!

  18. I might have to see this one. I remember the Muppets version (having children of those ages at the time)and we had a book copy of the Disney version which we would read every Christmas. Wonderful memories!

  19. Just wonder where can i get its postcard :)

  20. I'm not a big fan of Jim Carey, but will have to see this movie! Sounds like the effects are what Dickens had in mind when he wrote it.

  21. Hubby and I have been talking about going to see this one - thanks for the review. I want to see it even more now!


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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