Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Wordless Wednesday


  1. No, not my lawn! I have some very spirited neighbors!

  2. Meow ! Cosmo says he loves the big black kitty ! (I think he looks a little too crazed in the eyes for my liking ! ;) Great shot, Snap!
    Hugs !

  3. Aaaaaaaaa! We have spirited neighbors in my hood as well. Those inflatables terrify my dog!

  4. Now that's fabulous! I almost asked the same question of if it was your lawn and read the comments. I bet the kids have fun trick or treating around your place!

  5. Hi Snap, This picture says it all - Halloween is soon here! I tried to comment while on the road to your quilt post - I think my connection failed. Anyway, I enjoyed those colorful and creative quilts very much.

  6. Cute!!

    Most of my neighbors are my age, or slightly younger, and most (including me) don't "do" decorations. However, the family directly across the street has youngsters, one age 3, and the front entrance to their house is strewn with "cobwebs," ghosties, pumpkins and other Hallowe'en decorations. Charming, really, and I'll bet they get a lot of trick or treat-ers when the time comes.

  7. This kitty is SO CUTE! I love your Lewis Carrol quote above, Snap!

    Michelle :)

  8. This made me laugh!!!! Which one are you by the way?!?!? lol!!! :)


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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