Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Wordless Wednesday


  1. Oh butterflies... They are so beautiful and delicate. Amidst all the rain where I live, I had completely forgotten them. Thanks for reminding me.

  2. Nothing really needs to be said, does it? Speaks completely for itself. *bliss*

  3. Beautiful. I am blessed to be surrounded by them this time of year.
    Miss you friend:)

  4. Beautiful shot of the butterfly. The bright green of the leaves sure sets it apart and showcases the golden color.

  5. Stunning! aren't they the most perfect creation?! I feel calm just gazing at your photo . . .today's word verification: blies
    Could that possibly be 'bliss' mis-spelled? :O)

  6. Oh the lovely monarch. Aren't they special, though? I often wonder what goes on in their heads. I have to admit I find it hard to believe they metamorph as they do.

  7. What a beautiful photograph. This one really does make you stop and think. Lovely job.

  8. Such a beautiful photograph...full of tranquility.
    Thanks for the kind comments BTW, I've enjoyed looking through your blog and have copied out the soup recipe.....thanks!!

  9. A couple years ago, my husband and I traveled to one of the overwintering sites for Monarchs in Pacific Grove, CA. There were over 35,000 Monarchs fluttering about in a tiny plot of land protected by a Eucalyptus grove from the winds off the Pacific. With all those butterflies at my disposal - I couldn't get as great a photo as the one you posted here. I ended up buying a poster at the museum in town. I do love Monarchs.

  10. A beautiful capture - gorgeous vivid green against the intricately patterned Monarch butterfly. Thanks for sharing your talents and for visiting my blog. Happy snapping!


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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