Saturday, October 31, 2009

Camera Critters

It's Camera Critters time and
it's Halloween.

That calls for a special post.
It's back to the Houston Zoo photography day.
It rained lightly all morning.
I met this gentleman early that day and thought


A large bird, the cinereous vulture can measure more than three feet in height and has a wingspan that can extend up to ten feet. Cinereous vultures have dark brown feathers with a dull blue head, neck and bill.

Their status is seriously threatened globally due to hunting, poisoning, habitat destruction and improved stock management. The international trade of this species is regulated by law, since it may become endangered without regulated trade.

These vultures build their nests in trees and on cliffs high above the ground, using sticks and twigs as building materials. Males and females cooperate in rearing young.

This particular vulture was hatched in captivity in a special breeding program. The Houston Zoo is well known for its amazing birds, many of which are never on display -- behind the scenes in special breeding programs in an attempt to maintain the particular species.

If you enlarge on the photos, you'll see this bird liked the rain!

Happy Halloween

Be sure to check out other critters at Camera Critters!


  1. Wow, he is big and what a cool cirtter he is! Great photos and post for Halloween.

  2. Quite appropriate for Halloween, he scared the creepers outa me! hehehee

    Have a wonderful weekend & Happy Halloween!

  3. Super Halloween post!
    The way the fence wire is positioned along his beak in the first one it makes it look like he's smiling. :)
    It's pouring rain here today and I'm not sure I like it at all.

  4. enormously big!

    BOO! Here's my Camera Critters entry. Have a spooky one!

  5. Happy Halloween to you TOO. That's a perfect bird to share on Halloween. He's not the prettiest bird I've seen!!!! ha

    Have a wonderful day. It's pouring rain here this morning and the yard is covered with leaves --even after using the leaf blower yesterday. Oh Well!!!!!


  6. This is truly a critter fit for Halloween!! It's actually a nicer looking bird than I realized...most of what I think of when I hear vulture is the old cartoons!!

  7. They are not very handsome critters...but, you photographed them very well. I think a vulture is just about perfect for Halloween! Great post.

  8. Fabulous shots! I will link to your post. We have turkeys: wild and vultures here. And your cats... precious!

  9. Hi Snap! Nice post. I haven't explored our Zoo yet, but I plan to one of these days. Thank God for good weather today, would hate to see the dripping Trick-or-treaters! Happy Halloween neighbor!

  10. Snap: Neat shots of the vulture, I love to see the Turkey Vultures flying above.

  11. wow he is huge!Perfect choice for Halloween date! :)
    For sure I will be scared about this critter!
    Happy Halloween and Happy Camera Critters!
    and a beautiful weekend!
    Luna - We love Luna

    ( and mommy Léia )

  12. HEHE
    Its a perfect choice for Halloween
    He looks scary ...... LOL
    Happy Halloween :)
    hugs from
    Kareltje =^.^=

  13. Appropriate indeed! I m sure he was quite flattered when you told him he would be the star of your Halloween post-you know those ravens and crows have been stealing his close ups for years!!!
    Happy Halloween!

  14. A ten foot wingspan is huge! What a magnificent bird. Thanks for enlightening us on his threatened status.

  15. Wow! First time to see vulture up close. what a great post for Halloween!

  16. Nice shots of a none-too-handsome bird that fills an important niche in the ecosystem. Life would not be so pleasant without scavengers.

    Nature in the Ozarks

  17. Scary mask that bird is wearing for Halloween. ;-)

  18. He is beautiful! Great pictures

  19. What a spooky fellow he is!!

  20. Hi Snap! I am a little late for wishing you a Happy Halloween so I'll wish you a Happy All Saint's Day instead!

    That is a big guy!


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