Tuesday, September 22, 2009

My World

Visit My World to see more of our world or to participate yourself!

I'm taking us back to Williams Tower and the grounds around the building to the Water Wall.

A three acre setting

Dedicated in 1985
Built and designed by John Burgee architects with
Philip Johnson Network

The gabled archway fronting the fountain, the scaenae frons
is reminiscent of an ancient Roman theatre stage.

11,000 gallons of water
per minute
spill over the walls of the 64 foot high fountain.

front and back

We had seen the Water Wall many times on the local television stations.
We had never visited the Wall before until the day we visited
the Williams Tower for the art exhibition for Mr. Turner.

I can't begin to tell you how overwhelming it is.
And, the sound of all that water!

Click here to view all participants of My World Tuesday.


  1. The water wall is spectacular in your pictures. I can only imagine how marvelous it is to see it in person.

  2. that is really cool. I enjoyed enlarging the photos to see things up close.

  3. Very cool water wall! I've never seen one before.

  4. What an amazing place, great photos and I can only imagine what the sound is like. Thanks for sharing and have a great day.

  5. That is incredible! And your shots are fabulous! I can just imagine how it would be like to be able to hear the sound of the water! Wow! Great post!

    Thanks for sharing!


  6. It was a spectacle to see water on both sides of it. I can imagine the thunderous sound around there. Great post.

  7. Wow! I wonder where that is? I've never even heard of it before. New York somewhere? Amazing.

  8. That is a new sight for me. Thank you

  9. Wow that's impressive!! I've never seen the likes of it! Thank s for showing!

  10. wow how neat! If you can't have a real fall, just make one then, good idea!

  11. Really like my visit here and will be back.

  12. That is the tallest man made waterfall I have ever seen. It must have been so spectacular to watch 11,000 gallons of water cascading down the walls...
    Wonderful photos Snap, thanks for sharing them...
    Pam :)

  13. Love the sculpture. Sure hope that's recycled water.

  14. Fascinating view of this part of your world ;--)
    Hugs and blessings,

  15. I have seen the Water Wall, Snap, but it's the type of thing one wants to see over and over. SO neat!!!!

    Thanks for the memories.

  16. That looks like a very interesting place to visit. I love the grove of trees.

    You had asked me if I bought an apron....No, I couldn't justify it. Now I kind of wish I had.

  17. I like that water wall! Really cool!
    And thanks for stopping by my blog for My World Tuesday.

  18. Thanks for showing your photos of the Water wall, I have not heard of it until I just read your post. Is it a memorial? It is beautiful and I can just imagine the sounds of the water.
    Thanks for sharing.

  19. hi Snap~
    The Water Wall is amazing! I bet the photos do not do it justice!
    I had a great time with Kim and we also met up with Kelley! I will have to show you pics when I have more time to blog. i have so many photos to go through!

  20. Ohhh, I LOVE THIS! Thanks so much for sharing...



  21. cool pic! i want to see tht in person

  22. That is fascinating! Now I have to figure out where in the world this is1

  23. It is wonderful to virtually visit unique places like this!
    Thank you for visiting My Muskoka !

  24. What a cool place. I love those lines of trees also. Very pretty.


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