Sunday, September 27, 2009

He's Coming!

THE grandson is coming for a visit with his mom (Mr. Dragon's daughter), and dad. We are excited. It is always a delight to see and visit with all of them. We usually travel to Seattle, but this year they are coming here. His mom has had some medical problems and she's seeing a few doctors here. We get to visit, entertain, run, play, laugh and enjoy. I bet we sleep well every night, too!

I wanted to let you know as it will probably be a little quiet around Twisty Lane while HIMSELF is here. I'm also doing what Mr. Dragon calls my *visiting lecturer* gig on Tuesday (the same day HIMSELF arrives). I'll be talking with docents at the museum about the new Arts of India Gallery ... for two hours or until my voice gives out ... whichever comes first!


In other big news, Mr. Dragon broke 100 for the first time since returning to golf. This important event took place on Saturday. He's been smiling a lot, but I still have asked that all golfing equipment be removed from the dining room table.

It has been sad around here since Rocky's passing, but a special aromatherapy has helped. Perhaps it is one of Snap's Rules: When you are sad, make soup! First I made my favorite (it's so quick and easy) , then the chowder again and lastly a split pea soup that was just too close to perfect for words. I promise to share the recipe when I have a moment or two. (Shame on me for teasing.)


Lastly, we picked up Rocky's ashes from our veterinarian. He assured us, once again, that there was nothing we could have done. For some reason, it was more important for Rocky to be on the other side than with us, but, oh, how it still hurts and how we miss the little guy ... all of us ... Mr. Dragon, Moi, Riley and Teddy.


So, until next week ... JOY!


  1. He is so cute! He has angel hair!
    I'll have to try to make... someone make that soup for me! It's even vegetarian!

    I wore my scarf for the first time yesterday, chilly morning at the market (see blog) but after a while it got warmer. Summer is ALMOST gone but not quite!

  2. Ohh!! Enjoy your grandson's visit! I share your excitement, now that I'm a long-dsitance grandma. We skype now a couple of times a week and so he still remembers my face. Have a wonderful time! x0

  3. Ooooh, Barbara can't spell today. That is...long-distance. Gah.

  4. Enjoy that little munchkin. Yes, sleep and deep sleep at that will be on the menu! Good luck on Tuesday.

  5. Life is have Rocky back, albeit not how you want but you can begin the closure on his passing.

    You have HIMSELF (love that!) coming for a visit which will keep you on your toes!!!

    And your are all sounds rather wonderful...hope I don't see you around "here" for awhile with all this goodness going on!! ♥

  6. Have an absolutely marvelous fun filled time with HIMSELF!

  7. Oh your grandson is a doll! Have fun while they are there. I live just outside Seattle. My son (the bachelor) lives at Green Lake. When you come up we should meet, if you like. Hugs, Sharon

  8. Hi Snap, Enjoy your company --and don't worry about us bloggers. We'll still be here!!!!!

    That grandson is gorgeous. Oh how I love those curls... I know you will enjoy him!!!

    Hope his mom is going to be okay.

    Congrats to Mr. Dragon on his golf score.

    Have a great week.

  9. Oh, have the best best time with your grandson. Losing a pet is so hard, I lost my twinkles shortly after we moved back to the States. The Vet told us the same thing. He said just keep dwelling on all the years of joy that she brought to you. I told my daughter when she lost her horse Dapper this year, that some day when she gets to heaven, Dapper will run and greet her and give her a personal tour of heaven.


  10. Have a wonderful week with Himself! And I'll make your tortelini soup and think of you. :O)

  11. Himselfs and Herselfs are the best therapy for Grandparents and Aunties, don't you think ? So glad you have a visit with him coming up.
    After our long hard week of losing Singer, and the tears and mourning, David and I have decided that we need to give a home to a new critter sooner rather than later. We are scoping out a 17 week old kitten (all black - I love them !!!)(male) that we think would make our other guy, Aslan, very happy. He has never really had a playmate since we got him 3 years ago as Singer was too old to keep up with him and would hiss him away when he would try and play.If all feels right, we may adopt our new black Cosmo next weekend.
    I am glad you have some closure about Rocky's passing now and that you have some love therapy to go with the yummy aromatherapy !
    Big Love Hugs !

  12. What a little cutie-pie! I'm sure you'll enjoy spending time with him. Just get lots of rest!!

    Thanks for the soup recipes. They sound good and I'll be watching for the split pea recipe, too.

  13. Oh, what an adorable grandson. I'm sure you'll have a grand time playing with him. (Is he too young to learn golf? That skill would please your husband, I bet.) Have fun!

  14. Awwwwww. A happy awww for the grandson's pending visit and a sad aw for Rocky. :-( hugs.

  15. Oh oh oh oh how wonderful is that!! To have Himself wear you our - I love it you know I do! Love those little ones!! Hope your daughter is fine and you all have a wonderful time hon!! Whoo hoo!!
    Here is my simple advice - playdoh and bubbles... yup my preschool recipe for success!! Oh year yogurt sticks! LOL have a wonderful time!!
    Hugs about the kit hon..Sarah

  16. Hi again....just wanted you to know I have left a special award on my blog for you today!!
    Hugs, Sarah

  17. Oh, he is adorable! Enjoy!

    ~TattingChic ♥


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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