Friday, August 21, 2009

Postcard Friendship Friday

Before I tell you about my postcard, I'd like to send out a few special dragon vibes to our hostess, Marie. We miss you and hope to see you back with us soon!

A new Sea Wall protected Galveston's homes after the hurricane of 1900.

This post card is dated 1909.
These lovely homes were located somewhere between the present Galvez Hotel
and the Stewart beach. Unfortunately, they no longer exist. I don't have dates for
their destruction. This is mostly restaurants and hotels now -- tourist trade.

Postcard Friendship Friday is hosted by Marie.


  1. Ah, time sure changes things, doesn't it ? Sometimes for better, sometimes for worse...there is always beautiful to be found in it, though, isn't there, lovely Snap ?
    Happy Friday, my Friend !

  2. Such fantastic homes. What a shame people destroy such beauty in the name of progress. Sharon

  3. Well the seawall "helped" this past year, during IKE---but they need more seawalls--which go farther south.. Below and above the seawall, there was a ton of damage. AND even the Strand downtown had OODLES of water.. Galveston (like so many coastal communities) is always going to be vulnerable when it comes to hurricanes. Ike (as you know) did TONS of damage to many areas of Texas.

    Neat postcard.

  4. Gorgeous antique post card!! Amazing to look at something from that date and realize how much has changed...progress isn't always all it is cracked up to be!

  5. That is a very inspiring postcard for my photography! I don't process or change my photos very much (surprisingly, maybe) and am not sure how to achieve this kind of hand tinted tone but I will have to give it a try!!!

    ♥ maria-thérèse

  6. It's sad those old lovely homes are gone. What views, huh.

  7. Very nice post! Love the postcard and the sentiments to our dear PFF hostess, Marie!

    Thanks for the sweet comment on my blog today!

    ~TattingChic ♥


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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