Thursday, August 27, 2009

Postcard Friendship Friday 29

First, a big welcome back to our postmistress Marie! We missed you!

For more participants in Postcard Friendship Friday go here.

This postcard is dated 1906.
This is Houston’s produce area, looking east on Congress Avenue from Milam Street.

This area today, with City Hall (on the right), is in a park area known as Market Square.
Many events are held near and around Market Square including the Bayou City Art Festival (coming up in October).

(This postcard is from An Album of Old-Time Postcards From Houston and Galveston.)


  1. I love looking at old postcards. I haven't been able to find any place local I can buy some.

    Thanks for sharing!

  2. Oh Snap, I love old postcards. I have a bunch somewhere. I ought to find them and show some of them on a blog.

    Love seeing yours... Houston in 1906???? Amazing.


  3. Ah - the days when the farmer's market was really a farmer's market. I imagine the tomatoes were a bit dusty fronm the unpaved street - but delicious from the Texas sun.

  4. Ah, the good old days. Houston looks nothing like this now.

  5. Did you see how I was inspired by your last postcard post? I'm not sure how to make my photos look like that but I did make new collages:

  6. I love the horse drawn wagon I can see in the forefront of this post card...the slow way people travelled in the not too distant past.

    And I love it when cities take a place that has held historic significance and recreate it in modern image...keeps some of the history intact.

  7. It's amazing to me to see how Houston looked all those years ago. I certainly don't picture it like that! Great find.

  8. Did this card go somewhere or is it unaddressed?

  9. I like those old scenes with horses.

  10. I love the colors in this beautiful old card. Hard to believe it's over 100 years old!

  11. Very nice postcard. I love the one's with people and activity in them! Happy PFF!

  12. Howdy
    Happy PFF .
    I love this card .
    Thank you so much for sharing with us today.
    Have a fabulous weekend.
    Happy Trails

  13. Oh, back in the day...can you imagine living in the time of that postcard? A simpler life, for sure.

  14. Even though I was born and raised in Houston, I didn't make it downtown very often.Hard to believe H was a small quaint town. I lived on the Northwest side of town and did most of my living around there. I did work downtown for several months before I married and moved to College Station where hubby was going to school.
    Thanks for sharing your piece of history.

  15. What a nice old west look at what is now a modern city. That's what I like about old postcards and photos, they capture a moment in time.


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