Tuesday, August 4, 2009

My World

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We had some excitement this morning in my world. We heard a siren from a police car and then the siren from the fire truck. When we went outside to see what was going on, this is what we saw.

We kept looking up for smoke. We could smell electrical wires burning. One of the firemen pointed down and sure enough -- the light pole was on fire! That little gray *blob* that looks like a shadow under the truck, is the smoke. You can't tell from this photo, but there is a large circle of burned grass under the pole. Crews are here from the electric company trying to figure out where the pole gets its *juice*. Interesting way to start the morning!

Check here to view all the participants of My World Tuesday.

Hope your day is off to a smooth start!


  1. Well - some excitement in your world yesterday!

  2. Yep what a way to start your day. Home you don't have anything else to top this for the day :)

  3. Wow, glad they arrived and took care of it before something dangerous happened.

  4. How crazy is that???? Electrical fires are the worst. I once had one in my front flower bed (mulch was put on top of a light--duh!) and it took three tries for the fire department to find it! It was right against the house too! Scary stuff!!!

  5. That was an interesting start to the day. Seeing a fire truck out front is more effective than coffee for cranking up the adrenaline! Hope they figure out the problem. Not good to have light poles catching fire.

  6. That's the kind of start for your day that you don't want! Glad everything is ok now.

  7. Always something going on in Your World, huh? A little excitement is good for the soul - keeps us on our toes. I hope it didn't mean that your power had to be cut, though.

  8. I hope they found the cause. Sure fire way (pun intended) to get the day started. :-)

  9. Nothing more unnerving than having the fire department at your door first thing in the morning! Hope the week is a little smoother and congrats on beautiful Benjamin! Thanks for stopping by my blog.
    Blessings and smiles

  10. Thank goodness nothing burned to the ground - electrical fires are nasty.

  11. Oh ick! Electrical fires are scary -- so hard to really SEE sometimes!


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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