Friday, August 14, 2009

Mail Call

A month or so ago, Karen Harvey Cox had a give-a-way on her blog, the beautiful Scrapbook of Inspiration. The winner received a custom water color painting by Karen. You can go here to see the winner's painting. It is amazing.

Karen decided that everyone who entered the give-a-way should receive a gift from her -- a miniature water color of their favorite flower! Picking my favorite flower was the hardest part. I finally decided on the pansy because of their happy little faces and wonderful color.

My pot of pansies has arrived. What a mail call! Karen is talented, generous and sure knows how to spread the joy around!

Thank you again, Karen.

Joy To You All On This Beautiful Friday!


  1. What a pretty little painting! I like pansies, too and they're the favorite flower of two of my best friends.

  2. What nice things to say. I am glad that you like your painting. I have really enjoyed painting special compositions for everyone. Pansies always remind me of friendship, and meeting blogging friends like you is such a joy.



'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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