Wednesday, August 19, 2009

I Never Post on Wednesday...

Never say Never!

A very quick post.

This is what I did yesterday.

Bag lunch with Mar.

Helped rip pages from magazines so that her art students
could build pizzas and fish!

She starts all grades out with the same thing.

Eases everyone into the start of school.

Aren't these fun?!!!!!

See, Mar, you made the blog again!

Thanks for lunch and fun!

Off to adventuring.........


  1. I couldn't agree more...NEVER say NEVER!! It can quite often come back to bit you in the butt!! :)

    This is a fabulous way to ease students back into the learning routine...and what gorgeous pieces of art!!!!

  2. I think I was in W.Va. too long...of course I meant to say "bite" not "bit", ain't that rite?!?! lol!!!

  3. ha! the pizza made me hungry. What is a bag lunch? A picknick? Take-out?

  4. Oh I love these. I do a collage with my preschoolers every year - we make paper pizzas - loooooove this one! I agree..never say never!

    Ooooh I found the Halloween Party too - how delicious is that??? Can't wait - whoo hoo!!!

    Hugs to you hon!! Sarah

  5. Fabulous fish and perfect pizzas ! Mar is amazing ! Well worth a Wednesday post.
    Enjoy your adventures, Snap !

  6. How creative and colorful, Snap.... Those students are lucky to have supplies where they can show off their creativity... Amazing!!!


  7. how creative ! i wanna be a school kid again
    glad you did a WEDNESDAY!!

  8. Darn you Snap! Now I am hungry for pizza and it's not on my DIET, Ack#*!!!! Very colorful. Sharon

  9. Wow! I thought that was real pizza at first. Those are some neat craft projects. I'll have to try those with my son.

  10. Fabulous fish! I can see it hanging on my wall over here. But that pizza has gone and made me hungry again. The Queen of Arts is talking about basil and pasta and you're on about pizza!

  11. I love that fish!! The colors are gorgeous.


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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