Wednesday, July 1, 2009

This and That

Wednesday is usually our adventure day, but it is way too hot to go adventuring. So, I'm going to catch up on some *old* adventures we've had and some this and that.

This is one of our favorite places to eat. It's not far from our house and on days when the temperature is not soaring, an easy walk.

Our tribe members enjoy eating here and it was past time for the tribe to get together.

That's Mr. Dragon on the porch and my sesta just going up the stairs.

I had the eggplant basil. It was wonderful. Everything is good and we usually just start at the beginning of the menu and work our way down. When we finish with them all, we just start over.

The real reason for this lunch was to see our gorgeous god-daughter and her fella. She graduated from university this year and is off to graduate school in the fall. We had met her fella (now an official tribe member) earlier in the week. Mr. Dragon asked them to get up and stand by the sculpture to take their picture. Poor guy, laughed and said "he's kidding .. Oh! He's not kidding!"
We all had a laugh and said welcome to the tribe!

Under this and that, several of my favorite folks in Bloglandia have started their own blogshops and what wonderful goodies they have. Sarah, at Cottage Garden Studio, has her shop at Cottage Garden Studio Market. It was here that I purchased the wonderful cowgirl fairy wrangling the ducks. I love Colette Copeland and her shop is Fancy That. The last blogshop I'd like to share with you today is one that has just opened, Wildflower House Shoppe. Sharon is so talented. Her work is gorgeous. Her stitches amazing. You'll love seeing all the beautiful, different things she has -- they all have. Go by and visit. Window shopping is fun and who knows, perhaps you'll see something you can't live without! (It's good for the economy!)

Have a lovely day.

Stay cool.

Joy to You!


  1. Sorry it's so hot there. We're having another good day with temps in the 80's! I'm baffled!!

  2. I love Thai food, that looks like a fab meal. We have a Thai restaurant 2 miles from our home and as we live in the middle of nowhere, it's about our nearest eating place. Love to see your adventures.

  3. I sure wish that I could find a Thai restaurant here in ND! I'm sure they would wonder what the heck it was all about if it didn't have something mooing on the plate! The food looks fabulous and only second to the great smiles coming from the statue picture...great couple!

    Off to do a little window shopping...can't hurt!

  4. Snap thank you so much for the wonderful compliments. I have been hiding out in my studio creating as it is to hot by noon. Hope to add more by next week. Hugs, Sharon
    PS Hope things cool down for you soon!Your god daughter and her bow are darling.

  5. Hi Dragon, I'm glad to meet Mr. Dragon!!!! Looks like you can't go wrong at the Thai Restaurant... Your god-daughter is gorgeous. She's got a neat looking fellow also....

    Have a wonderful 4th.

  6. your god-daughter is indeed gorgeous!


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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