Monday, July 6, 2009

Simple Woman's Daybook

For Today...July 6, 2009

Outside my window... the sun is shinning brightly. There are a few wispy clouds in the sky.

I am thinking... yikes! Half the year is gone. How time flies as you get older (have more fun, are busier -- take your pick).

I am thankful for...another day on Mother Earth.

From the kitchen... I am going to make one of Mr. Dragon’s favorite meals, Red Curry Beef stew. We don’t eat a lot of meat and this will be a special treat for him.

I am wearing... gym clothes - red shorts, gray Planet Hollywood Paris T-shirt, tennis shoes.

I am reading... The Commoner by John Burnham Schwartz. Marie at A Year from Oak Cottage mentioned this book in her Daybook post last week. It looked like something I would enjoy and I put it in my amazon stack. Lo and behold (some things are just meant to be), I found a much cheaper copy at Costco. No waiting for shipping. I’m really enjoying it. There will be a short review when I’m finished.

I am hoping...the weathermen are correct and we get a little rain to break this heat cycle for a few days.

I am creating... I finished the counted cross-stitch and should have the pig done this week (crochet).

I am praying... for Anne Marie and Cydney Marie, Debbie, Jean

Around the house... I can hear the water running. Mr. Dragon is outside watering the plants in pots.

One of my favorite things...seeing what the postman has left for us! This came in the mail from Kelley at Dragonfly Reflections. Isn’t the card fun?! I do love birds and this is just perfect. I also enjoy the list of easy ways to move from autopilot to mindfulness. Thank you Kelley for all my goodies!

A few plans for the rest of the week...staying cool is big on the list. Mr. Dragon starts a color pencil workshop this week. Staying cool. We have a baseball game on Wednesday (good thing that Minute Maid stadium has a roof that closes and air conditioning). Hair cuts. Staying cool. Off to Hobby Lobby with a coupon to look at color pencils and rubber stamps. Staying cool. Sending off a few packages. Staying cool.

Here is a picture thought I am sharing with you...

Isn't he a little doll? This photo and a few more came in an email - one of those emails that gets sent to everyone on your list type emails. I couldn't resist sharing!

To read more Daybook posts or learn how to participate, visit The Simple Woman’s Daybook. While Peggy is on summer vacation, more Daybook posts can be found at Grandmother Wren’s.

Joy to You!


  1. Oh Snap, wonderful post.I have been wondering about this!! Love the flower teddy - sooo cute!! Hope you stay cool and have a great week! I had never taken a colored pencil class..lots of fine artwork and stuff..but with all the kids around break down of a painting spot every time I moved made me I started doing colored pencils. I am I guess..self taught. I do love it. Hope he enjoys the class!!!
    Hugs, Sarah

  2. What a cute cross-stitch picture!!!
    I'm glad to hear you don't eat a lot of meat. That's one of the best things you can do for the environment, for yourselves and, well, for the animals of course. I've been a vegetarian all my life, I don't eat cheese with animal rennet and not much dairy.

  3. I love that little cross stitch picture. I couldn't even begin to do that...demands patience that I am lacking. I hope you stay cool, stay cool and stay cool. Throw in a little rain here and there, too!

  4. Hi Snap, I've been to games at Minute Maid... I still keep up with the Astros --although they don't seem to be doing really good this year. I loved them when the 3 B's were at the top of the game (Bagwell, Biggio and Berkman).

    I read that it is still miserably hot in Houston. I think my kids (League City) stay in their pool most of the time when they are at home!!!!

    Love your cross-stitch project. You are a talented lady.

    Have a great day and stay COOL. Don't spend too much money at Hobby Lobby.

  5. Red curry beef stew? Count me in!!! :-P

  6. What fun. Good luck with staying cool. It's suppose to reach 112 here this weekend and I bet its headed your way next!


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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