Tuesday, July 21, 2009

My World

Go visit the My World site to see more of our world or to participate yourself!

The museum district in Houston is on the northern edge of Hermann Park.
This is the original building of the Museum of Fine, Arts.
It opened in 1924.

This was the original entrance.
This entrance is no longer used.
If we could go in this door, we would enter the new Arts of India Gallery.

As you walk around the building to the *new* front door
you see this lovely surprise.

Looks like a horse made of driftwood.
It is actually bronze.
The artist (Butterfield) is a horse lover.

Keep walking and you'll reach the entrance to the Law Building.
(The backside of the original building that has had many additions over the years.)
The photo was taken from across the street, outside of the sculpture garden.
This is the part of the museum designed by Mies VanderRohe.

The sculptures outside the building were from the Red Hot exhibition
that featured modern art from China.

We like reflections!

The dinosaur was also part of the Red Hot exhibition.
It's cage is the same size as one of the containers you see on container ships.

Enjoy your day and I hope you visit My World for a trip around the world.


  1. Thanks for the nice walk in the museum disctrict, and of course the bronze horse, that was great to see.
    Have a great week!

  2. Thanks for sharing views of the museum in Houston.

  3. I need to take the family down to Houston to see the museum district. (when it cools down) Thanks for the tour.

  4. Thanks for musing over my turtle. He does look relaxed.
    Nice to see your shots of civilization!

  5. Looks like it's still hot and sunny down there. What an amazing city you live it, so much art wherever you look.

  6. Snap: What a fun trip with such beautiful captures of the area.

  7. "YOUR" World is gorgeous, Snap... They have really made huge improvements to that museum, haven't they???

    Great pictures!!! Thanks!

  8. Love your trip through the museum! And a lovely one it is!Your photos are terrific!

  9. The architecture is stunning! I like the reflection shots, too.

  10. What a beautiful building. They just do not make buildings that pretty anymore. I love the bronze horse.

  11. Wow what a beautiful place!! I love the dino in the cage - would make you double take driving by!!
    Namaste, Sarah

  12. Thank you so much for the tour in this interesting museum.Mies van der Rohe is either a Dutch name or a Belgium/Flemish one.

  13. Wow, what a stunning building. And I love the bronze horse. I love it ALL. Thanks for visiting my blog. I'm so glad I've found yours (I see you're a cat - lover too)

  14. Your photos of the horse make me want to touch it.

  15. Oh, I just LOVE visiting new museums (new to me, that is). Thanks for the taste...


  16. wow..what a building..I love it, and especially the sculptures...they are great aren't they?

    Thanks for your visit to My World on the Brisbane River, and the University of Queensland cafe.

  17. Wonderful building, and interesting driftwood and bronze horse.

  18. that horse...the dinosaur in the container ... your world sure has beautiful corners in it, Snap ! Thanks so much for sharing your great shots !

  19. What a nice museum. I love the old entrance.

  20. My favorite is the horse statue, but thanks for the entire tour!

  21. Great tour of this area in Houston - liked the scuptures.

  22. Museums are so interesting to wander around in, You never know what wonders you will find...

  23. Looks like a delightful place to visit! Thanks for your encouragment with the birds. There are lots of them around, especially the jays and robins. The finches also have a feeder next door.

  24. Found you thanks to David's POTD mention. Love the way you see things...

  25. This is probably the only way I will see Houston so I thank you for the tour.

  26. what a neat place. thanks for taking us on the tour. each piece special in its own way. too cool. congrats on the POTD mention.

  27. Just thought I'd say 'Hi' to a fellow Houstonian blogger.

  28. VEry interesting bronze horse & I totally love the old museum entrance. It just says museum to me with the tall columns. You are very fortunate to have such culture available. Hope it's cooled down some!

  29. Wow! Congrats on the Post of the Day Award!

  30. Thanks to all of you for stopping by. A special welcome to those who found me by way of the Post of the Day Award. That was a huge surprise! Thanks for the shout out, David!


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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