Monday, July 27, 2009

Monday Mull

Mull: verb. Mull over, ponder, pore over, consider, reflect on, deliberate, think about for a while, give thought to, study, meditate, weigh, ruminate.

Here are my Monday Mullings for July 27, 2009.

First, I’d like to thank David McMahon for shouting out my last Tuesday’s MY World post as one of his POTD (post of the day). That was a wonderful surprise. Welcome to those of you visiting from David’s blog. Thanks again, David. What a nice thing to do!



Mr. Dragon and I are wondering what we will watch on television now that the Tour de France is over. I guess it’s back to the news, weather and baseball. We’ve been watching the Tour for about ten years now and think, finally, we are really getting all the ins and outs of bicycle road racing. It is very much a team sport and teams from all over the world compete. The Tour de France is 3 weeks long -- 21 days on a bicycle over roads, cobble stone streets and mountain passes, through fields of sunflowers and mown hay. In fact, one reason we watch the tour is to see the countryside, the Pyrenees and the Alps. This year the tour started in Monaco, traveled through Spain, Italy, Switzerland and France to finish on the Champ Elysees. There is an individual winner, a sprint winner, a king of the hill, the best young rider (under 25) and a team winner. There is a team time trial and two individual time trials. A little something for everyone. I think I’ll take the list we made this year of places to see and add it to the 9 other lists we’ve made of places to visit. It doesn’t hurt to dream.


From Space

I mentioned the 40th anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing last Monday. Seems I just can’t get away from astronomy in one form or another! Last week it was the solar eclipse and the discovery by many amateur astronomy lovers that something hit Jupiter leaving a very large spot. Several days after the Jupiter discovery was made, many of the television channels had it on the news. Sorry guys, you are a few days late. We already knew thanks to Space Weather!


It is still hot (so what's new). We did get some rain last week, but could use more. Drought conditions are no fun. It’s bad for my farmers market. My favorite egg guy says the girls don’t like this weather and we have to get on a waiting list for eggs.


The pigs are on their way to California and I miss them! I started a Christmas project. Now, I don’t know about you, but the idea of starting something for Christmas is a little frightening. Time is passing too quickly. At any rate, I like making a few things that I can use for hostess gifts or little surprises for the holidays. Mr. Dragon says this looks very festive and it does, but I don’t like the yarn. The silver metallic thread running through the yarn has a mind of its own and the thread itself is a little thin. Live and learn. I have another round to put on and then it is finished. I have enough yarn to make two. The first one I make is always for me. It has all the mistakes, the trial and error phase.


We aren’t movie goers. Thought I could talk Mr. Dragon into seeing Star Trek, but we never went. I’ve seen some of the trailers for Julie and Julia. I went over to the Sony site, and after watching what they had there have decided I must see this movie. Meryl Streep as Julia Child is something I don’t want to miss! I read the Julie book that was based on her blog. Speaking of blogs, the sony site is posting a foodie blog a day. I figure I owe you a few blogs of the week so here are some of the blogs they’ve mentioned:

These are just a few, but enough to get you started!


There is nothing on the calendar for the week. Good thing, Mr. Dragon has a cold.


I’ll leave you with this picture thought. I thought it fit well with the food theme!

I am thankful for another day on beautiful Mother Earth.

Joy to You!


  1. I hope Mr. Dragon is feeling better soon. I'll try to send some of our rain and cool temps your way - a summer of extremes I dare say.

  2. I rented the dvd "Bedtime Stories" today because there's nothing much on TV so I'm going to escape into a hopefully good film instead.

    Wanna know something cool?
    Buzz Aldrin was of Swedish descent and a relative of his lived in the old folks' home close to my mum's house about 40 years ago. My relatives worked there. One day this older man said "well, now I guess little boy Aldrin [Aldreene, Swedish pronunciation] is on the moon". The others thought he had lost his mind and become senile but it turned out to be true :)

  3. Hope you both have a good week.And thanks for sharing your gratitude for all the goodies we have in our world ! You are so positive, it is inspiring, Ms. Snap !

  4. Lots of fun stuff! Thanks for sharing. Enjoy your week!


  5. Congratulations on the POTD! He is such a great guy and an interesting blog. I, too, like the Tour de France if anything for the incredible scenery (like the riding too..LOL!) I have not heard of the movie on Julia Child altho I loved watching her with Jacques Pepin..they always had a good time. How fitting with the wine saying!

  6. I like your 'this and that' Monday Mull posts, Snap... Congrats on the award!!! That is special when it comes from other bloggers.

    Sorry it's still hot there. Our heat and humidity is BACK too--after 2-3 weeks of cooler temps. Being THIS hot is hard on the old body--especially since we don't use AC.

    Your Christmas project is beautiful. I love Christmas colors --and they say that we can NEVER start our prjects too soon.

    Love that last picture.. Is that Cross-stitch???? Gorgeous!!!

    Have a great day tomorrow.

  7. The more I mull, the less I do.

    Where did you get all this coverage of the Tour de France? It's a great thing to follow, because it's new scenery every day.


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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