Monday, June 29, 2009

Simple Woman's Daybook

Simple Woman’s Daybook

For Today... June 29, 2009

Outside my window... the sun is shinning brightly. Not a cloud in the sky.

I am thinking... that Hades couldn’t be hotter than it has been here the last several weeks. And, summer has just started! Ouch!

I am thankful for...another day on Mother Earth.

From the kitchen... despite the heat, I am going to bake. Banana bread and strawberry muffins are on the list. Sort of necessities -- use up the bananas and strawberries before they ruin.

I am wearing...white shorts, white World Wildlife T-shirt, no shoes

I am reading... just finished Happiness Is An Inside Job: practicing for a joyful life by Sylvia Boorstein, Ph.D.

I am hoping...that it rains soon. (Seems I have a one track mind ... hot, hotter, sweltering, sultry, torrid, simmering, steaming, scorching, sizzling.)

I am creating... still working on the counted cross stitch (watch for a post later this week) and have started crocheting a wonderful pig for a little girl’s birthday.

I am praying... for Anne Marie and Cydney Marie, Debbie

Around the house... Mr. Dragon is in the shower. Kitties are sleeping. I hear the Doves cooing and the air-conditioner running.

One of my favorite things...Mickey Mouse as the Sorcerer’s Apprentice

A few plans for the rest of the week...I do have to grocery shop. Mr. Dragon has pen and ink workshops. That’s about all we have to get out for.

Here is a picture thought I am sharing with you...

This is from the Stitchery Catalog. Too good to pass up!

To read more Daybook posts or learn how to participate, visit The Simple Woman’s Daybook. While Peggy is on vacation you can find other Daybooks by visiting Grandmother Wren.

Stay cool!


  1. We have rain here, you can have some of it as a matter of fact! It's been a bit of a wet week with a bit of sunshine here and there. No shoes, huh? I love barefoot. You do keep things fresh and hopping over here too! I realized last night I had more than one of your posts to catch up on.

  2. That book title is very catchy and so true! Cute shirt!

  3. I love that tee shirt. I enjoyed reading your daybook.

  4. mmmmm....muffins!
    FINALLY warm in Sweden! Really warm. Much warmer than in Rome. I put on a cardigan when I stepped out of the airplane, only to step into VERY warm air, the kind that surrounds you as opposed to the heat in Rome which came from the sun and straight down, if that makes sense.

  5. It's even hot here in Scotland. So I feel the same as you, we have had some rain, but unfortunately it hasn't cleared the air.

  6. I just saw that it was 99 wonder you're thinking sweltering, sultry and sizzling! That book sounds very intriguing.

    You are so absolutely sweet by adding the giveaway to your side bar! You may not be twittering but that certainly counts for an extra entry every day. Thank you, thank you and another BIG thank you!!

  7. Hi Dragon---So it's hot in Texas????? My good friends have been in Texas (around San Antonio) ---and have had a horrible camping experience due to the heat... (I wonder why anyone would vacation in Texas in summer!!! ha)

    I'd love some of your banana bread and strawberry muffins... Thanks!!!

    Have a good one.

  8. You're a brave gal! Once it gets hot around here the oven never gets used!!

  9. That t-shirt is awesome !
    Wish I could trade you a little rain from here in NH for some hot, steamy stuff. Wouldn't it be sweet to have a little summer time weather balance ? Looks like rain until the end of time according to our forecast.Oh well, at least the summer pace is here...
    Happy Summer Love !


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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