Monday, June 22, 2009

Simple Woman's Daybook

Simple Woman’s Daybook

For Today... June 22, 2009

Outside my window... the sun is shinning brightly. Another hot day!

I am thinking... how happy I am to be having lunch today with one of my *sisters by choice*. I’m an only kid and I’ve picked some great women to have as sisters and tribe members. Mar and I will celebrate our birthdays today and catch up.

I am thankful for...another day on Mother Earth.

From the kitchen... I have portobello mushrooms and will make a marinade with pineapple. Yum! Also, fresh cherries and strawberries. Munchies!

I am wearing...real clothes for a change. Navy blue trousers, Navy blue blouse with tiny white fish all over, Navy blue shoes.

I am reading... I just finished The Death of An Irish Sinner: A Peter McGarr Mystery by Bartholomew Gill.

I am hoping...there is a break in our hot weather,but the weather guys say not until this weekend -- maybe. We are now officially in a drought. I’m not going to like the water or electric bills.

I am creating... counted cross-stitch continues, and online class. Also, see plans for the week!

I am praying... for Anne Marie and Cydney Marie, Coy, Debbie

Around the house...the kitties are waiting for their treat. Mr. Dragon is out watering the garden.

One of my favorite things...tea

A few plans for the rest of the week... lunch today with Mar, two Astros baseball games this week with the tribe. I’m going to look at crochet and knit patterns today. I have plenty of both. I’m looking for some good ones for a little girl -- a farm animal toy. I want to find some autumn patterns, too. That should keep me busy.

Here is a picture thought I am sharing with was sent to me in an email with others. This was my favorite.

To read more Daybook posts or learn how to participate, visit The Simple Woman’s Daybook. While Peggy is on vacation, you can find more Daybooks here.


  1. Another great list! Have fun today at lunch....and remember to eat dessert first!

  2. It's your birthday today? Well Happy Happy! I love all of your mindful points; it sounds like you have a terrific day and a productive week in the works.


  3. Your picture thought is too funny! Thanks for sharing!

  4. "sisters and tribe members" - love that phrase! Have a wonderful birthday celebration!

    Thank you so much for sharing your Daybook at Grandmother Wren's. Please continue to stop by and link in throughout the summer.

    I'll be back later to check out that creative workshops link in your sidebar. Looks tempting to me...

  5. Kitties waiting for their treat...that's a nice picture. Happy birthday, Snap. I'll be emailing you soon about something I am sending. I am in the home stretch of my pay it forward (at last!).

  6. Happy Birthday! Tea always sounds good, cold or hot!

  7. really neat stuff... thank you :)

  8. Mmmm...some very yummy food coming from your kitchen. I love to munch on fruit too.

    I also loved the phrase "sisters and tribe members." A neat way to think of those special friendships!

    Wishing you a wonderful week ahead!

  9. Thank you for linking your Simple Woman’s Daybook at Grandmother Wren’s last week.
    Please stop by this week and add your link again. I’d love to see this continue throughout the summer, allowing us to stay in touch with other Daybookers during Peggy’s vacation.
    Please keep coming back –
    I look forward to seeing you!

    Grandmother Wren


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
We are all so busy these days. It means a lot that you dropped in to visit and left a comment. I hope you come back to visit soon.