Monday, June 8, 2009

Simple Woman's Daybook

For Today June 8, 2009
Outside my window ... the sun is shining brightly. Looks like another hot day!

I am thinking ... how happy I am that the city has finally finished putting in the new water lines, repaired the sidewalks, and put sod down. Now, if they’d get the street lights working again, the *mess* would be back to normal!

I am thankful for ... another beautiful day on Mother Earth.

From the Kitchen ... I think a nice salad is in order for today -- with some strawberries.

I am wearing ... navy blue capris (I know. I’m too short. It’s summertime and its hot and I don’t wear shorts when I’m going out. Ptuiiii!), light green v-neck T, no shoes (yet).

I am reading ... Happiness is an Inside Job by Sylvia Boorstein, Ph.D and The Hell Screen: A Mystery of 11th Century Japan by I.J. Parker. An upstairs book and a downstairs book! How many books do you read at the same time?

I am hoping ... Anthony Rendon’s injury isn’t too serious.

I am creating ... a counted cross-stitch, working in my art journal

I am praying ... for Anne Marie and Cydney Marie, Debbie

Around the house ... it’s quiet. I've been to the gym. I’ve watered the garden. The kitties are all sleeping. I hear Mr. Dragon in the shower.

One of my favorite things ... icy cold cherry limeade

A few plans for the rest of the week ... hair cut today, Astros game this week, zoo this week with our god-daughter. Mr. Dragon’s art workshops start this week.

Here's a picture thought I'm sharing with you:

Isn't this lovely? This is a giclee print that Karen Harvey Cox at A Scrapbook of Inspiration sent to me. It arrived the day after my birthday. Wonderful birthday present isn't it?!!! Karen does such beautiful work. Thanks again, Karen. And, by the way, the print is called The Cottage of Abundance. The original painting is an oil on canvas of a little cottage in Kennebunkport, Maine.

I've met some of the nicest, most generous folks blogging. Thanks to all of you and I wish, for all of you, that your home is a Cottage of Abundance!

Joy to You!


  1. Sunny but cold in Sweden :-( Still just spring; I badly want summer and heat. I plan to go to Paris and possibly Rome but Paris seems just as cold as Sweden at the moment.

  2. Sounds like a lovely Monday in your neck of the woods, Snap ! I wish we could enjoy that cherry limeade together -Yum ! Enjoy the day!

  3. Oh what a nice day in store for you. I usually try to read one book at a time but sometimes I'll have one fiction and one non-fiction going, like now.

  4. I love the colors in this picture thought! I love cherry limeades at Sonic! And I really long for the day when I can take my kids to the zoo again...

  5. That's pretty awesome! I'd love to try some sort of format like that one day, with random things that pop in my head!

  6. Would you believe we're still having cool weather! I'm not complaining!

    That is a beautiful print you received. And you're right, bloggers are the best!!


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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