Friday, June 12, 2009

It's Friday!

The Next Chapter book group is doing Wreck This Journal. They started last week and I guess I started last week too -- I slept with the book last Thursday. You read that right -- sleep with the book and then write about it. Well, it was sort of lumpy and the bed got a little cozy with the book, Mr. Dragon and three kitties and, it is HOT here, so the book was sort of clammy by morning. But that's what wrecking is all about! I'm supposed to break the spine of the book. I've walked on it. Tossed it and flung it about. Walked on it again. Turned it bass akwards (!!) and still the spine won't give! Isn't that the way it always is? I have a chance to do something I'd never do with a book and THIS BOOK WON'T COOPERATE! I'll keep trying.

This week I worked on the page For Four Letter Words. I played with it off and on and soon it became like a game. GAME! It's a four letter word. I wonder if it's on my list? I'll have to check.

I had a great time with the circle page. Soon I was drawing circles in circles and over circles. I don't know if you can tell, but there is sort of a little circle man in the upper left. I plan on coloring him in and playing with more circles later. I started numbering the pages. Got to 50 and then thought -- why am I following directions????? Don't do that! Break the rules. Wreck the book.

Remember this?
It was the first background I did for Visual Journalism 101.

This is what it looks like now!

I love it!
It really is a journal where I can write about what's happening in my life.
And, it's a journal where I can try new art techniques.
I'm going to do the same kind of thing with the blue page.

Thanks for stopping by.

Joy to You!


  1. what wonderful journal play, Snap ! Just gorgeous ! I totally love that yellow bird page and how it turned out !

    Enjoy the play !
    Love to you !

  2. Wow, your journal looks great---I may have to watercolor some this week. Love it!

    You mentioned on my blog that you're waiting for a big finish---I'm holding out on the journal in the shower until the last week for sure as my last hurrah!


  3. Lots of life, colour and play here - yum!

  4. I LOVE your four-letter words and all the colorful journal pages! Blues and purples go so well together. If I were a mermaid, I'd wear purple (fyi).

    Great job with the book!! Good luck on breaking the spine. I haven't gotten there yet!

  5. WOW!!! Girl- you are PRO when it comes to wrecking a journal...mine looks so pathetically tame compared to yours!
    Rock've inspired me for next week!

  6. I'd be glad to "wreck" a journal for you, then send it to you to fill in the pages! Would that work? I'm a good wrecker, and I'll bet I could break that sucker's spine in no time at all! I'm a heavy-weight! :) Also... if it's damp and clammy you're looking for, I could tuck it under my shirt while I'm working in the yard! Wait... that might call for spraying all the pages with heavy duty deodorant! I wonder if deodorant paste makes a good foundation for paint, etc.?

    Yes... I'm going to take my medication now. :)

    P.S. your journals are beautiful.

  7. so joyful - no hesitation just play. i love your color and spontaneous spirit

  8. Snap, your a monster, you walked on your journal!! lol!! Re: Breaking Spine -- open up, place spine against edge of kitchen counter, bend over counter -- repeat opening to different pages and on different places on the spine.

    Enjoyed your journalling -- I signed up for the class - have yet to start it --life keeps getting in the way!

    lovely weekend to you

  9. SNAP is a FOUR letter word (Oh so is WORD) GLAD you are having fun and enjoying YOUR journals
    and sharing WITH us!!!!

  10. I'm excited to do the four-letter words page, and the circles page! Awesome wrecking (and I love your journal pages too!).

  11. I love the whole concept. You've got me interested. Peace and Joy To You.

  12. I've eyed that book for a long time -- now I think I must get it!

    But I love your journaling so much, with all the color!

    (Says Lori, all snuggly in the yummy wrap you made me!)

  13. Fantastic post :)
    Lovely shots !!
    Have a nice weekend =^.^=

  14. hi snap! i've been on hiatus from my blog but wanted to pop in and say "hi" and see what you've been up to!
    i have keri smith's first book but not this one. it looks like you're gonna have some serious fun with it!
    there is a flickr group where you can post photos of your journal being wrecked!
    ps. i'm a canon girl myself. :-)

  15. What sweet and creatively FUN wreckage! Love it :)

  16. I must have been sleeping when you posted this. Glad to see you are doing a little wrecking. It's kind of fun to have a book where anything goes and the worse, the better. I am still a little cautious in my wrecking, though. Old habits die hard.

    Do love these journal pages, the yellow one is very bee-hive-ish and love, love, love the bird head! I must say you have very nice handwriting. I've always envied the tidy writer, must be the virgo in me!

  17. The spine on my book is being pretty stubborn, too. I've been thinking about the 4 letter word page, it's a bit daunting to me - but you did a great job! I have hope for me :)

  18. Looks great! I like your 4-letter word page.

  19. loved your pages! they are fabulous!! wonderful job with your wreckage!

  20. Glorious pages.. really love the glow of the yellow ones


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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