Saturday, May 30, 2009

Camera Critters 60

Camera Critters

It's Saturday and it must be Camera Critters time!
Back at the Houston Zoo, I'd like to introduce you to
two Asian Elephants, Mom and Son,
Tess and Tucker.

Tucker wondering around looking for something to get into!

In a year or so, Tucker will have a little brother or sister.

But my real reason for talking about the elephants was to
introduce you to Max, The Elephant Dog.
I think you'll enjoy the video (from the Houston Chronicle) and his story
and you'll see more of the elephants and the new elephant barn.


  1. Great photos and interesting post. These elephants are hairy!

  2. Great post - really liked the story about the dog. I love and respect elephants - they are very much like us - mourn their dead, have close family ties..really remarkable critters!

  3. I haven't been to the zoo for ages! This really gives me the bug to go!

  4. Marvelous elephant photos and kewl clip. I've seen it before and find it entertaining always.
    Hugs and blessings,

  5. Great pictures, & loved Max's story!

    Thanks for sharing!

  6. Fantastic photo's. Love Max. Sharon

  7. Nice pictures of the elephant. I have not been to the Houston Zoo for over 30 years.

  8. Awww cute baby. Mama seems to be taking good care of him.

  9. Great series of "Efalant" shots :-) Thanks for stopping by!

  10. I love elephants, the zoo we just went to didn't have any. Interesting video, I didn't think elephants and dogs would get along. Very interesting. Thanks for sharing.

  11. Almost had a heart attack! I LOOOOOVE ELEPHANTS! They are my favorite animals on Earth and I truly dreaming about having one of my own!!!! Ohhhhhhh... I'll never forget these pictures... I don't often like seeing them at the zoo or the circuses because I have that feeling they are being mistreated somehow. Once there was a circus in town and they took the elephants for a shower in a gas station, in the jet wash!!! I almost went closer to give them a big hug!!!

    Thanks for sharing such wonderful shots! You made my day!
    Take care and keep smiling! Have a beautiful weekend!!! Love from Brazil!

  12. wow This video is amazing!I would love be there and see it face to face!
    The mommy and the baby elephants are so adorable!THanks for sharing!
    Purrs and love from Brazil

  13. I love elephants and really need to go to the zoo this summer; it's been years!

  14. Great pics, and Max is awesome!!! Thanks for stopping by :)

  15. Sweet! I love the dog bed, in fact I'd like one in my size!

  16. What a great job you have Max!

  17. That is one lucky dog to have such a fun job with the elephants!!

  18. Very cool post and photos !!!

    Max has a wonderful job ..

    I love that photo of Mum and son with their trunks entwined...

  19. I love elephants, and these look so nice. Thanks for posting that video too. The zoo where you live looks so nice and clean, and those elephants looks so healthy too.


  20. Elephants are amazing!

    I've seen that video before - but I never tire of watching it!


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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