Saturday, April 11, 2009

Camera Critters 53

Starting a new year of Camera Critters!

Camera Critters

Teddy is back.
This was his original *condo*.
He loved playing in it when he was a kitten.
Then, he got too big.
Or we thought he was too big!
We never threw it away even though we got a new condo
for Teddy (Theodorable) and the kitlets.

He looks so sweet and innocent.

He is so funny *getting in*. He enters the top with
his little tail end sticking out ... sort of wriggles ...
and next thing we know ... there he is ...
all curled up in the bottom.

Hope everyone is Happy today!
Have a beautiful weekend.
Happy Easter!
Happy Spring!


  1. Cute cat!
    Wow.. condo with two windows.
    Happy Spring! ;)

  2. Very cute kitty who looks very at home in his condo :-)

    Happy Easter..

  3. I think they like snug places, makes them feel safe!

    Happy Critturday!

    Tink *~*~*
    Critters on the Castle: Kaa

  4. As long as they can possibly squeeze in, cats seem to like a tight spot. I guess it makes them feel safer. Cute photos.

  5. Oh he is beautiful hon!! Reminds me of my Tink a bit!!! I love it when they squish themselves into tiny spots. Have a wonderful holday weekend hon! Namaste, Sarah

  6. Teddy is a handsome cat. It seems the smaller the spot, they more they love it. Go figure.

  7. Adorable face! I thought about getting a condo for our kitty, Tomba, but he's just a gigantic cat and I fear he'll be stuck in there! =D

  8. His face looks so gentle and soft. I always laugh when our cat squeezes into a tight spot and falls asleep. Must feel safe and secure. :) Happy Easter.

  9. Cats like such tiny spaces. I could never be a cat...I'd freak out. Very sweet face on that kitty.
    The White House

  10. That is so cute. Looks like Teddy is very comfy in there.

  11. Real estate is always a good investment.

    Stop by my blog to enter my mom person's Ecostore USA giveaway!

  12. A two floor condo on what looks to be high-value land! My my my....expensive property, Theodorable!

  13. Oh your Teddy is beautiful. Is he a main coon? I had a maine coon named Bravo who could have been his twin.Sharon

  14. PErhaps a little sleepy too, but so cute! Happy weekend!

  15. How sweet! Thanks for stopping by today :-)

  16. Kittehhh looks quite content.

  17. Cats and boxes of any kind always make for good photo-ops!

  18. My cats seem to love tight spaces - especially in winter when it's cold and all they want to do is snuggle up.

    I can easily picture Teddy working his way into this posiiton - they're all great images.

  19. That first picture is just precious!

  20. Such an awesome little cat, adorable photos.

  21. It's amazing to see some of the places these cats can get into! Our "fat cat" gets into his condo still. You can actually see him suck it in and slide in - it's funny to watch.

    Your kitty looks adorable.


  22. What an adorable cat! I'd love to see a video of him climbing in! I bet it is really cute! Happy Easter to you as well!!

  23. lovely cat. thanks for sharing. happy easter!

  24. Cats and condos - it looks like it's just his size although it must be hysterical to see him try to get in and out. Ah, endless sources of amusement for us, our pets!

  25. My two cats still use one that is similar to that one and it's true. You see their little furry behinds on the way it...Beautiful cat...

  26. Funny he has that sassy male kitty look on his face, to cute!

  27. Cats are such sweet creatures.
    Cute image!


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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