Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Another post title that catches your attention -- Food! This is a continuation of our adventure last week to the Livestock Show and Rodeo. I thought I should get these pictures posted before our adventure to the Livestock Show continues!

We traveled to the Livestock Show on the train. We love it. I wish Texans would get over having to have a car. Golly, we'd train everywhere if they were running!

Mr. Dragon suggested that we lunch after our visit to the Livestock Show. I have to admit, the corn dogs were calling to me at the show! I haven't had a corn dog in ... well, I can't remember when I last had one (which is probably a good thing). He also suggested that we dine somewhere that we hadn't visited in awhile. A restaurant that we wanted to stay in business in these hard times. So we went to the Raven Grill. It was conveniently on our way home. Mr. Dragon had his usual - the pot roast.

I had the grilled vegetable plate. After being at the livestock show and looking at the big brown eyes of the cattle (I'm a sucker for brown eyes), I just couldn't look beef in the face! The veggies were wonderful ... grilled portobello mushroom, grilled sweet potato, spinach with garlic, squash casserole, and green beans with red pepper. The green beans were the only things I didn't love -- mainly because they didn't have any pizazz!

This was one of the art works for sale hanging on the restaurant walls. I loved it. Looks like something a mixed-media person should do!

In other news, I've finished my project for the museum within the deadline and was given another assignment. I love researching. It's back to the books! I'll be happy when the new gallery is open!


  1. That big honkin' portobello mushroom looks like steak! Yum! :)

  2. Don't you wish every major city had train service!! It is so easy getting around in Europe, it's crazy we let it all go here for cars. So sad. I'm hoping one day, we'll learn. Well, probably we won't. Mmmmm, your dinners look divine! I'm honkering for a big ol' steak soon!

  3. OK, my mouth is watering... for those veggies. I spent my life as a carnivore, and as I age, I'm finding more and more empathy for the animals that feed us. So, we lean heavily toward veggies and pat the animals instead.

    I've never been to a rodeo, and would very much like to go to one to experience it once.

    Thanks for the glimpse...


  4. We have train service to L.A. from here and I love it.

    That veggie plate looks so good. I'm always so happy when restaurants do a really good veggie dish for us non-meat eaters.


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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