Thursday, March 12, 2009


I have been reading - mostly mystery novels - in between my research on India, Hinduism and Buddhism. My fun reading lets me relax. It's mind clearing!

Bookmarked For Death: A Booktown Mystery by Lorna Barrett is the second book in her new cozy series. They are set in a small town in New Hampshire on a street that would be any book lovers delight -- a street full of book stores. To celebrate her bookstore's ( Haven't Got A Clue) anniversary, Tricia Miles hosts a book signing for local, best selling author Zoe Carter. The event takes a terrible turn when the author is found dead in the washroom. I enjoyed seeing the characters from the first book that I liked so much. They are quirky and feel like they'd be welcome at my place anytime for a cup of tea. Tricia's sister, Angelica, now owns the cookbook store next door. As with any good cozy, there are recipes at the end.

Runner: A Jane Whitefield Novel by Thomas Perry is the book I just finished. Jane, a Native American guide who helps people assume identities has been gone from the book world for nine years. Jane is now married and living a quiet life as a surgeons wife. It's nice to have her back. A bomb goes off in the middle of a hospital fundraiser. A young pregnant girl has been tracked across country by a team of hired hunters. Jane helps her escape and then sets about helping the young girl begin a new life. Of course, it's not as easy as one, two, three. There is plenty of suspense. I liked having Jane back. This series was one that I faithfully followed for many years. Times have changed since the last time Jane *ran*. I thought the book was fast at the beginning, then slowed in the middle and then set a break neck speed at the end. Guess that's the sign of a well written suspense novel. Fans of Jane Whitefield will be glad to see her back. Those who have not read any of the series before, may not like having any background on Jane.

Dragon's Kin is a novel by Anne McCaffrey and her son Todd McCaffrey. Ms. McCaffrey started writing the Pern series in 1968 and it has never gone out of style. Todd McCaffrey joins his mother as author on this novel. A mining camp's watch wher dies and young Kindan and his new friend Nuella learn about loss, friendship and responsibility. Impossible dreams are never out of reach - a lesson that we all should learn! Knowledge about the watch whers and their relationships to the dragons has been lost. Kindan and Nuella work to relearn that knowledge.


  1. Thank you for the lovely comments on my book!

  2. Oh how wonderful I can't wait to read the mystery!! Ohhhh look the author posted!!! Cool Beans!!! It would seem we have alot in common reading wise. Wonderful selections. I'd love to see what you are reading on Buddhism!!!

  3. Ohhh! Interesting books! I will check them out when I can! Thank you :)

  4. Oh do tell what you're reading about Buddhism and Hinduism! I've been looking for an "easy" read on Buddhism for a while. I haven't found the right one yet.

  5. I've ordered Lorna Barnett first book from the library system and should have it in a few days. The new one is "on order" so I'll send for it as soon as it's available.

    Thanks for the recommendation. I'm going to pop over to the author's website and see what's going on. :)

  6. The cosy looks interesting, and as soon as I'm finished with all the other books on my shelf (or maybe before lol) I'l check it out.

  7. You might enjoy my Vermont cozy MRS BUNDLE MYSTERY SERIES


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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