Monday, March 30, 2009

Bayou City Art Festival

If you missed us on Friday, sorry! We went to the Bayou City Art Festival. The festival is held twice each year. In October it is held downtown and in the spring, it is held in Memorial Park.

It's really very pleasant ... out under the trees. It had rained the night before and if you walked off the path you were in deep muck.

These wild and crazy critters were the first things we saw as we entered the grounds.
There is no public parking at the festival. Everyone drives to a mall where the buses pick you up and deliver you to the festival.

Aren't they fun? Mr. Dragon and I talked awhile about liking things in bright colors.
We wondered if, as we grow older, with older eyes, we just prefer the brighter, wilder colors.
Do old eyes have something to do with color preference?
Then again, why have a reason? The critters are just cool!
Unfortunately, (or fortunately) we have a postage sized yard and the critters won't fit.
Frederick Prescott is the artist and I didn't find a web site for him.

Aren't these grand? I laugh every time I see them.
The artist is Kimber Flebiger.
She is usually at both festivals and I love her work.

Love Humpty!

These nice folks are the Bailey's from Dripping Springs, Tx.
I love their jewelry. I love bracelets and I have several that they have made.
Easy to wear and they don't break the bank!

I think I need a pair of earrings.
Good to make the shopping list and have it ready for October!

Lot's of sculpture.
Anyone need a giant ant?

We've reached the end. I guess we could start over!

Here are a few more artists that we both were taken with.
You might want to check out their web sites.

Lisa Kristine is a photographer. I wanted Eightfold Path from Laos (I may still order it) and also loved Arches from Morocco. There wasn't much I didn't like!

Nancy Eaves' thing is making jewelry from found objects. She had a wonderful dog necklace at the Festival made from dog tags and found *doggy* charms. Her web site (Conceits) doesn't do her things justice.

Ping's art work is just fun, bright, cheerful and full of meaning.

We missed seeing several artists. I guess the economy kept them at home.
I need to add art festivals/fairs to my list of favorite things.
Already looking forward to October!

Have a good week everyone!


  1. That looks like a fun festival! I love going to events like this. Thanks for "taking" me along.

  2. Oh, I feel much better seeing your pictures of adventuring at an Art festival. Our big one in Tempe was this weekend and I didn't get a chance to go-very dissapointed! But you gave me new life with these great pics! What fun!

  3. Auntie Shar! I am so jealous you got to go to the festival! I have the greatest memories of the time Zak and I went with you and your Hubby. :) Baby Benjamin says "hi" and sends hugs (at least I'm guessing that's what those movements in there are...ha)!

  4. There is so much going on in your neighborhood. Makes me wish I lived there. Thanks for the information about March of Dimes. I often see their fund raising activities but never really learned how much they do.


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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