Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The Te of Tea

I had a wonderful surprise at the end of January. Vivian was in town. You might remember that she is a young colleague and friend of mine who went to study Chinese in Beijing. We temple treked together on more than one occasion. She called one morning with a surprise. We had been invited to a video taping of a puja at a local Hindu temple. The video will be used in the new Arts of India gallery at the museum.

This Hindu temple is very different from the one we visited during the summer.
This is the gateway into the courtyard.
Immaculate, beautiful and flowers everywhere.
Gorgeous in its' simplicity.

This is the outside of the temple.
The windows had been covered with paper to make the taping easier.
The water was beautiful and was on all sides of the temple.
The puja was for Shiva and was amazing.
The sound of the chanting by the priest, the ringing of the bell, the lighted candles --

After the taping it was off to the Te of Tea for some tea and lunch.

The tea shop is in the Montrose part of Houston.
A wonderful, interesting area with different shops hidden around every corner.

The day was very special.
I got to spend it with two people I consider friends.
Two very lovely ladies who I respect very much.
Christine is on the left and is the curator for Asian art.
Vivian on the right. She is back in Beijing. We miss you Vivian!


  1. Looks like you enjoyed a beautiful, peaceful day. I love the sound of chanting....it goes straight to my heart.

  2. What a lovely temple! So simple and elegant. It was nice for you to have a visit from an old friend.

    Thanks for stopping by today.


  3. My son's in-laws to be live in Houston -- I will have to hunt down this tea shop in Montrose. I' a sucker for the chalkboard menu.

    Your share just inexplicably lifted my heart. Great friendships do that.

    take good care

  4. Hi Snap. Thanks for checking in on us. My god, but we are so sick again, now it's both of us. Fever is back - all the way up to 104.8! Yesterday he was down to 101 so I was happy but he hasn't eaten in two days. Me, it's body aches, disorientation, dizziness, a lymph node that feels like there is a knife sticking in it. It's just the time of year, but the last few days have been on the couch, in bed by 7 p.m. I'm not even sure I'll be able to write my Friday Haiku!

  5. sounds like a lovely day. I can't help being a tad bit jealous as I am a great fan of anything related to Hinduism...and I do love me some tea, too. ;)


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
We are all so busy these days. It means a lot that you dropped in to visit and left a comment. I hope you come back to visit soon.