Monday, February 2, 2009

My First Blog Award!

The Marie Antoinette,
Real Person, A Real Award

Wow! I received my first blog award from my buddy at The Bodhi Chicklet.

Here are the rules for the award:

1. Put the picture of Marie Antoinette on your blog.
2. Link to the person from whom you received the award.
3. Nominate at least 7 or more blogs.
4. Link to those blogs from your blog.
5. Leave a comment on their blogs to let them know you've shared the award with them.

Now comes the hard part, deciding on the 7 blogs that fit this award. These bloggers must be real people, with real lives, real colds, real pets -- you get the idea. In addition, I must enjoy reading their blogs and must want to let you know, dear reader, that it is worth your time to go and visit them.

I thought about sleeping on my list of 7 blogs, but after thinking about it (for all of 10 minutes), I've come up with seven blogs that meet my criteria -- they must be REAL! Here are the blogs I nominate for the Marie Antoinette Real Person, Real Award:

MariaTherese at Afiori. She was the first person to *follow* my blog and has become a friend in cyperspace. We met at Halloween. Go visit. She is beautiful as is her blog.

Christina at Crafty Christina. I found Christina from the Lion Brand website. They linked to her blog and I immediately liked what I saw. She loves to crochet and is learning to knit and is a REAL person.

Carolyn at 8GoldenPaws. I'm not sure how I found Carolyn, but it was from Carolyn's blog that I first heard about Paulette Insall and it was not long after that I took an online class from Paulette. Carolyn has been missing in blogland for awhile, but I am thrilled that she is back. Art teachers are special!

Julie at JulieItIs. Julie and I go way, way back. Before blogs. (Medieval ages) She is a digital scrapper and does beautiful work. She's also a writer who will have you rolling on the floor laughing and crying at the same time. A must stop for any blog lover.

Rosa at Living as Rosa. This is a blog I've been following for awhile -- lurking -- until she had a post and a giveaway about tea. Out I came! I think I first heard her mentioned on an aol message board along with Frenchless in France (another favorite). Rosa has just remodeled -- blog, bedroom and kitchen (although don't ask about the kitchen -- a continuing story). Go visit her! You won't be sorry.

Pat at Remembrances of An Arkansas Stamper. Pat and I go back like Julie and I do. Pat and I both love to read. We are both retired now. I'm in Texas and Pat is in Arkansas. I still have the Christmas card she made many years ago. A talented lady who doesn't show off her stamping like I think she should!

Verdigris Rose. I haven't been following this Australian lady very long -- long enough to know she loves roses and is a lady. Beautiful art can be found here.


  1. Well, bless your heart, Snap! I'm honored. And, thanks for the very kind words.

    I'll be most happy to display the award in my side bar, and will note where it came from. I'll have to think about to whom I shall pass it on, if that's OK. When I do pass it on, I'll let you know.

    I'm looking forward to visiting your other nominees.

    Hugs, Pat

  2. Aren't you just too sweet! Thank you so much. I am truly honored! This is fun!

  3. Hi Snap..
    Thanks for your lovely comments, and for listing me with the M.A.award...What a thrill...
    I will have to think about who to nominate

  4. Cute idea! I have to thank you for the list to these most excellent blogs! You're right -- real authenticity is a good read, and good people are good for the soul.


  5. hey snap~
    you are too sweet. thanks for the kind words.
    you make me want to keep up my blog on a regular basis!
    i'm gonna go check out the other blogs you mentioned!

    carolyn :-)

  6. Thank you so much!! How sweet!!
    Sorry I'm late replying - I've been stressing out, trying to focus and piecing myself back together in preparation for all the work I need to do. Business starts SOON and I still don't know bookkeeping. For instance.
    I don't know if I'll just grab the award and run for it since I'm too stressed to do anything that comes with an obligation, no matter how good the thought! Hope you understand.


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
We are all so busy these days. It means a lot that you dropped in to visit and left a comment. I hope you come back to visit soon.