Friday, January 23, 2009

Engaging Your Creativity

Today the group at The Next Chapter is talking about Engaging Your Creativity, Chapter 3 in the book 12 Secrets of Highly Creative Women by Gail McMeekin. I read a few of the comments this morning that my fellow members made, and found that I wasn't the only one who wasn't turned on by this chapter. Some of this may be my age. I'll be 60 this year and I've been through the pains of working in jobs that didn't interest me and spent a lot of time wondering where I'd gone wrong. I just fell into my profession. I worked in a hospital while I was going to university and once I graduated I just continued in the medical profession. I made a living wage and met Mr. Dragon - so not all was bad. And, it wasn't bad, just didn't *turn me on*. But I was successful enough to be able to retire (thank you Mr. Dragon), became a professional volunteer, which I really enjoyed, working with Ronald McDonald House, art centers, humane shelters. It really wasn't until the last 10 years that I've been able to do what I really wanted to do -- Asian art. Again, it's volunteer (mostly) -- doing research for the curators in asian art and is especially exciting right now because the galleries are moving into larger space. Lot's of research to do and I love it. I get to "lecture" (with a very little L) to the docents and try to teach them why I am so excited by this art -- ancient and modern.

I did relate to Jolen Godfrey (Independent Means, Inc.) when she said, 'For the last 20 years, I have watched when I have begun to bounce off walls, and that's real information that things are not great. Rather than put up with a really dysfunctional, unhappy life, I have at least been able to say, 'Uh-oh, things aren't right here, and I need to find something that will make me sane and more at peace with myself." Amen! That's usually when I'd start a new yarn project of some kind and escape into the meditation of the project -- calm, serene work.

I did find a few quotes that I especially liked, but have to say that my favorite was one by Dolly Parton, "The way I see it, if you want the rainbow you gotta put up with the rain."

This brings me back to last week and my list of things I love. I prepared the journal page (above) and have started to list them there (sorry,no picture -- I ran out of time today). Here they are (so far):
  • teddy bears
  • museums (all kinds)
  • books, libraries, used book stores
  • dragons, wizards, fairies, magic, science fiction, fantasy
  • laughter
  • art, yarn, crochet, knitting
  • nature, birds, trees, critters, oceans, rivers, snow, flowers, waterfalls
  • kitties,puppies, pets
  • tea, tea pots
  • soup
  • Buddhism, meditation
  • the color green
  • anthropology
  • the zoo
  • chickens, deer
  • cookies, jamoca almond fudge ice cream
  • chocolate
  • candles
  • ceramics, hand built/thrown pots
  • butterflies, dragon flies
  • Chinese and Thai food, sushi
  • music
  • pink plastic flamingoes
  • picnics
  • college baseball, hot air ballooning
  • champagne
  • gardens
  • snowmen
  • walking barefoot
I'll leave you today with a quote from OFFERINGS: Buddhist Wisdom For Everyday:

"On the day that you were born, you began to die.
Do not waste a single moment more!"
~Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche


  1. How exciting that you found your soul work (and I love your name for hubby/partner)

    It must be so fun to sit down with a journal that you have so lovingly and beautifully prepared for your words. Some of your pairings are really making me smile ... chickens and deer, baseball and ballooning ....

    And I'm really grooving on that last quote.

  2. Nice journal page. I see your chickens and the part of the big yellow flower in the corner looks like the same kind of flowers I've put in my chicken piece. How amazing that you are working in something that inspires you so much. As for the list of things you like, that's some list! Have you ever been hot air ballooning? I don't have the nerve but I do have a fear of heights.

    I'm glad you're enjoying the shots of Riley. He's a handsome dude but a really terrific kid inside.

  3. Oh my.... I am soooo inspired by that journal page--- I LOVE it! I had such a breakthrough in my own journal this week and now I can see that I'll have another one next week thanks to you! Thank YOU!
    Kim H

  4. Your journal page is dreamy and fun!

    As I was reading your list of loves, the song "My Favorite Things" from The Sound of Music accompanied it! I feel like dancing now. :)

  5. This is a very good post, and I can relate to it. Your list is interesting and tells me a lot about you, and I LOVE the quote at the end.

    I haven't been very active in the book group due to OWOH but I'll be back there soon. I'm keeping up with the reading

  6. Beautiful list....the more we write the more we realize how much life is good!

  7. Thank you for your lovely comment on my post...I am enjoying your blog...esp your lists and quotes and thoughts on your life, thank you for sharing...My fav is the Dolly Parton quote, I would like to use that in one of my journals or pieces of collage art? that okay...

  8. I got distracted playing with the kitty. hehe

    I love your journal page. Great post!

  9. I think it's wonderful that you are getting to spend some time now in an area you've always wanted to. Asian art is also one of the things I feel drawn towards, though I don't know much about it.

    Love you list of favourite things too. Sometimes it's good to have a list like this to look at and reflect upon. It's like indulging in a bit of ice cream for the soul.


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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