Thursday, December 18, 2008

Christmas Links For You!

It's time for a little catch up. I really haven't been missing in action. We finally got the art work back up on the walls downstairs. Mr. Dragon is painting one of the bedrooms upstairs that had some drywall/plaster work done. I've spent way too much time reading blogs, but have enjoyed every minute. It's been sorta like *down time* seeing what everyone else is doing.

One of the blogs I check in with every now and then is Sorta Frugal. She had a wonderful post about finding a forgotten Christmas treasure backed away in a box -- a wonderful little paper angel. Not long after I read her post I was looking in a closet and found my own forgotten treasure in a box. Not sure I would call them a treasure, but they are cute! When we were living on Galveston Island, I had a *Santa's Box* -- a box I kept in the closet that I used to put small little gifts that I would buy throughout the year -- things I found on sale. I used these little things as hostess gifts, secretary gifts. Nothing much, just a little something nice that said *I remember you*.

Opening the *Santa Box* I found these tins -- Mr. and Mrs. Claus and Mr. Snowman. Their heads pop off and you can put candy or little trinkets on the inside. What was amazing to me was what I found on their bottoms -- MADE IN THE USA -- with a 1981 date. They are in our living room today and I promise, I won't forget them again.

This is *Zoe Nathan's Cranberry Orange Cornmeal Cake*. Doesn't it look delicious? Some of my favorite things in this cake: cranberries, orange zest, cornmeal, ricotta cheese. I love The Wednesday Chef web site and I think you will too. Check it out. Isabelle is very entertaining.

One more link for you for the holidays (or any day). Check out Eddie Ross. He has suggestions for hostess gifts and a tutorial for making a wreath.

I have to add one more link for you. My friend Julie is a digital scrapper and she has a wonderful set of Christmas tags for you. I'm not a scrapper, but I can really use new gift tags! Check her out at Julie It Is.

1 comment:

  1. Well, I'm glad you didn't find that cake in your closet! Those little tins are lovely, I guess you are glad to have rediscovered them. And especially nice to know that they were made at home. I am always surprised when we open up our Christmas decoration boxes - so many little things I cherish that I only see a few weeks a year. Maybe that is what also makes them special.


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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