Sunday, August 17, 2008

Seattle, Part 3 With Lessons From the Grandson

This year we took the free bus into China Town and the International Center. Forgot that it was Monday and the Wing Luke Museum was closed. We did drop into Uwajimaya and I found some wonderful papers that I hope to use in collage. I have to say that Houston's Hong Kong City Market makes Uwajimaya look small.

Dragon In China Town

There are lots of lighthouses along the coast. This is the one at Alki Point.

Downtown Seattle and Pier 66 from our hotel room

Looks like Seattle and Houston have something in common -- building. Cranes everywhere.

This is one of my favorite pictures -- Seattle and Mt. Ranier from the Queen Anne District.

Double Rainbow

We were just back from Bainbridge Island, relaxing in our hotel room on Saturday afternoon watching the Mariners baseball game, when the announcer mentioned a rainbow over the field. We dashed out to the balcony and found a double rainbow. It was beautiful. I can't tell you how long it had been since we'd seen a rainbow, let alone a double one (squint to the right). One of nature's many miracles.

From the moment we checked into the hotel, there was solitary gull sitting not far from our balcony door. We didn't think much of it. We thought he/she was hanging around looking for a handout, just like the gulls in Galveston. The day after we saw the rainbow another one of Mother Nature's miracles appeared ... baby gulls. First, we saw one and then two and finally, the day before we left the smaller third baby (didn't get a picture of all three). We were delighted and had a great time watching this little family.


Finally, if you don't have a youngster in your life -- get one! If everyone could see the world through the eyes of a child, we'd be a much better planet. Here are a few of the lessons we were reminded of by THE grandson:
  • Greet each day with a smile
  • Live each day to the fullest
  • Learn something new each day
  • Don't be afraid to try something new
  • Read
  • Play
  • Cranky? Take a nap.
  • Eat when you are HUNGRY
  • There may be a wonder right around the corner. Look for it.
  • Hug
  • Be sure your loved ones (friends, family, pets) know you are grateful for them. Don't be afraid to love.

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'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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