Sunday, November 10, 2013

Good Morning, Glory!

Musashi's Garden is my postage stamp size backyard.
It is named for one of our favorite kitties, Musashi-San.
He was quite the guy.

This is what Fall looks like in Musashi's Garden.

Golden Ixora

Morning Glory
Morning Glory

This is my volunteer Morning Glory.
If you look closely you can see the visitor that I captured.
Good Morning, Glory!


I do not know the name of this rose.
But I can tell you, she is a beauty and she smells just like a rose should!

I'm joining Mary at Mosaic Monday.

Wishing all of you well and much joy!


My Little Home and Garden said...

Some roses may look lovely, but I'm with you on the notion that they need to have a wonderful fragrance as well. The colour of yours in beautiful.

Denise said...

Enjoyed! So pretty :)

Michelle said...

Beautiful flowers. Ours are all gone, due to frost! Nice to see yours!

eileeninmd said...

Your garden is beautiful, even in the fall. I love the golden Ixora and the lovely rose. Have a happy Sunday!

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Very pretty view in Musashi's Garden!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

So many roses have such little scent anymore, it's wonderful to hear of one that still does!

Anonymous said...

That golden flower is spectacular. Lucky you to get to see that on a regular basis. xox

Poppy said...

That rose is, indeed, beautiful; what colour! So true about some varieties not having a scent, and scary. Glad you could breathe in that magic essence of rose petals!


Mary Howell Cromer said...

Love the Hydrangea, but oh my that rose is AMAZING!!!

highheeledlife said...

Your garden looks great! I love the history of it's name. Looks like a little ant was captured .. beautiful roses. Ours are almost all gone for the season ...thank you for sharing your beauties. Hugs C. (HHL)

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

I thought the ixora flower was a hydrangea, they're quite similar. The rose is a pretty colour and thankfully sweet smelling when fragrance has been bred out in favour of other attributes.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

That rose is so perfect, it doesn't look real! And what a beautiful color! It's nice to share flowers all year brightens our days!

A Garden of Threads said...

A beautiful rose, love the colour. Wishing you a wonderful week:)

Vee said...

It's looking beautiful! That rose is my favorite shade of lipstick.

Glenda/MidSouth said...

You do still have lots going on in your garden. The rose is beautiful!! Glad to read it still smells like a real rose, as so many now don't. Thanks for sharing its beauty with us.
Have a great week.

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

You have a beautiful garden! Those roses are the color of the ones my mother used to call "tea roses." I don't know if that was the proper name. But they had heavenly scents.

Jemma@athomewithjemma said...

This beautiful Golden Ixora is a new flower for me-upon first glance I thought it was a hydrangea-now I see the difference in the blossom. It is stunning! I am just imagining the fine fragrance from your lovely roses!

Karen said...

Beautiful blooms!

Our photos said...

Beautiful flowers!
Monday greetings, RW & SK

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

It is so wonderful to see flowers still blooming in your garden, Snap! They are all beautiful!

Rajesh said...

Beautiful flowers in the garden.

Deb @ Frugal Little Bungalow said...

It's nice to find a rose that is scented; where did they all go. Most varieties have no scent anymore :(

aspiritofsimplicity said...

We have mums in the autumn garden and drying hydrangeas. Our morning glories are long gone. Your roses are beautiful.

Anonymous said...

What wonderful fall beauty! That rose is magnificent.

Mary said...

What a beauty of a rose Snap! I'm always thrilled to see Morning Glories too :)

EG CameraGirl said...

What a treat to see flowers this time of year.

The Bodhi Chicklet said...

Morning glories are one of my favourites. I am sure you have heard of (maybe even have) moonflowers - night blooming morning glories. I am hoping to get my hands on some seeds for planting next summer!

Anonymous said...

This is a lovely way to remember your sweet pet.