Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Note Card Party: Easter

It's time for one of my favorite Blog Land Parties:
Vee's Notecard Party.

We need to pick 4 photos that have been shown previously on our blog
that we think would make good notecards.

I decided to celebrate Spring and Easter.

The first three are from an Easter Tea I shared last year.

Easter Tea

Rules of Chocolate Easter Eggs:
1. If you get melted chocolate all over your hands, you're eating too slowly.

Easter Bunny

2. Chocolate covered raisins, cherries, orange slices, and strawberries all count as fruit,
so eat as many as you want.

Easter Bunny

3. Diet tip: Eat an Easter Egg before each meal.
It'll take the edge off your appetite, and that way you'll eat less.


4. If you can't eat all your chocolate, it will keep in the freezer.
But if you can't eat all your chocolate, what is wrong with you? 

A Haven for Vee
Wishing YOU well and much joy!
Happy Spring!


Yvonne said...

Love what you chose for notecards.

Deb said...

Gorgeous, every one of them. Deb

Shane Pollard said...

I love your cards from your Easter tea last year!
...and I just adore the rabbit in pics one and three with the little bag over her shoulder!
I wish I could find one like her, she has a lovely vintage look about her - a Beatrix Potter look - so lovely Snap.

Now it's good to read some sensible tips about easter eggs - very much appreciated and I'll follow them to the letter!!
Shane ♥

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

Did you make up all those sayings? I'm laughing as I'm reading but I am enjoying your Easter notecards too.
I've always felt chocolate in the morning is a good start to the day - and these days I'm eating extra dark for all the health benefits. :-)

Michele M./ Finch Rest said...

Hahaha, I agree about the chocolate! (Like I would EVER not be able to finish and feel the need to freeze Puleeze!) LOL!!

Beautiful choices for your cards this month, you have very happy Easter things!

HappyK said...

All these make lovely spring note cards.
My favorite is the third one.

Vee said...

So darling and you have me laughing out loud. Your little rabbit has the cutest expression. :D

Phyllis @Around the House said...

Your bunny is the cutest ever, the fiber one...love the sweet Easter bunny cup too...

Sally @DrinkingFromMySaucer said...

Ha - I love your photos AND your tips. I chuckled at each tip!

Anonymous said...

Perfect choices, these are all quite delightful. I always look forward to what you will be showing each season and enjoy your vignettes....xox

podso said...

Cute cards! Love all the bunnies and comments about chocolate! Good advice. :-)

Pamela Gordon said...

These are all sweet notecards Snap. And I love your chocolate eating tips! Happy Spring to you. Pamela

Irene said...

I have no problem eating Chocolate, love your bunnies.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Those are rules to live by.

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

I have NEVER had a problem eating chocolate.

Diet tip #3... can I just eat a chocolate Easter Egg as my meal?

:) Very cute Note Card Photos!

bj said...

hahhaaa....I love your photos and your words. Just perfect, Snap

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Sweet bunnies!


Micupoftea said...

If you can't eat all your chocolate, send it my way! HAHA! Nice bunny pics, love the little bee inside the teacup :)

Karen and Gerard said...

Super collection here for Easter! I really like that #2 chocolate tip. Great post!

Karen and Gerard said...

I especially like Rule No. 2!

JoAnn ( Scene Through My Eyes) said...

I love the easter rules - and the photos. It must have been a wonderful tea.

Unknown said...

This post made me giggle. I love all of your beautiful Easter decorations. Your words brought me back to making chocolate houses with my Mom as a kid.

Everyone of your photos would be brilliant Easter cards. I love Vee's not card party because it's about reflection and revisiting old photos from our blogs.

Wishing you a beautiful day. It snowed again here and although the sun is shining, everything is covered with snow again.


Sheila said...

I lov the way you've brought together such nice photos and healthy eating rules! Happy Easter, a little early!

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Loved your Easter photos with the tips! You won't find any chocolate in my freezer! LOL!

Anonymous said...

Hi Snap,

Not only do we read a ton of books, but apparently love photos, too!
How fun to see you here (this is my first time at this party) and I do love your entries! Bunnies are just so cute and you've captured the feeling of the season.
Happy Easter to you!

Sue said...

What cute photos and love the quotes, thanks for sharing.

Lorrie said...

Great photos and great Easter rules. I especially like the Belleek china - so delicate.

Janet said...

These would all make great note cards. I still like that bunny in the last photo...and that rose looks like velvet.

Cezar and Léia said...

Bonjour dear Snap!
Adorable and sweet Easter decoration, so chic, so elegant and beautiful!
Léia and little LUNA

Donna said...

These would all make such cute cards! LOL, and I really like your dieting tips too!

Grandma Barb's This and That said...

Cute Easter cards! I like the rule for eating chocolate.
Thanks for visiting me and your nice comment on my note cards.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

You have a woderful bunny collection, Snap! They all ahve such cheerful faces--made me smile!

Babs said...

Cute bunnies and photos. Love the Chocolate Easter Egg rules. :)

My Little Home and Garden said...

Hello, Snap

I love your bunnies; they each seem to have their own personality. I think they share your feeling about chocolate rules!

Here's hoping the rabbits don't eat of your treats.


Mary said...

Love your notecard selections and rules Snap! The first photo with teacup and bunny is my favorite :)

KathyB. said...

My husband ( the sweet tooth in the family) would completely agree !

LeeAnn at Mrs Black's said...

Ha ha! I think I can eat everybody's chocolate! I love all of your Bunny ornaments. Such a lovely idea to collect these kind of seasonal items to bring us cheer. It's a simple and inexpensive thing and gives years of pleasure. Minerva ~