Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Fall Is Coming!

It is time for Vee's Notecard Party.
Fall is almost here.
Every year I walk around the neighborhood and take photos of the fall decorations.
I couldn't pick just four, so here are my favorite fall photos from years past.


"Delicious autumn!  My very soul is wedded to it, and if I were a bird I would fly about the earth
seeking the successive autumns."
-   George Eliot

Pumpkin Door

"I cannot endure to waste anything as precious as autumn sunshine by staying in the house. 
So I spend almost all the daylight hours in the open air.
-  Nathaniel Hawthorne

Autumn greetings

"No Spring nor Summer Beauty hath such grace
As I have seen in one Autumnal face."
-   John Donne

Pumpkin and Mums

"Come said the wind to 
the leaves one day,  Come o're the meadows 
and we will play.  Put on your dresses 
scarlet and gold,  For summer is gone 
and the days grow cold." -  A Children's Song of the 1880's

Pumpkin Man

"I love fall! Fall is exciting.
It's apples and cider.
It's an airborne spider.
It's pumpkins in bins.
It's burrs on dog's chins.
It's wind blowing leaves.
It's chilly red knees.
It's nuts on the ground.
It's a crisp dry sound.
It's green leaves turning
And the smell of them burning.
It's clouds in the sky.
It's fall. That's why...
I love fall."
-   Author Unknown

A Haven for Vee

Wishing you well and much joy.


Dorothy Borders said...

Lovely. Just lovely. My favorite time of year.

Barb said...

Houstonians go all-out for fall!

Cezar and Léia said...

I also love Fall!
And that door is amazing, gorgeous decoration, but my favorite picture of the day is the cute friend in your first shot! :)
Hugs and I wish you a nice day dear Snap!
purrs and love
Luna and mammy Léia

Elizabeth Edwards said...

such great ideas. i so love fall. perfect season. enjoy your day. take care. (:

Donna said...

Beautiful! Oh my, that wreath in the third picture is stunning!

Vee said...

You found some great decorations! Always pushing that Note Card Envelope!! ☺ Thank you for participating. Say, do you ever participate in Melissa's (The Inspired Room) Autumn Drive=bys? They are a lot of fun and feature just the sort of thing you did here. It's always fun to see what others are doing.

Elizabeth Edwards said...

i really enjoy fall. so great. really love the scarecrow. such a cutie. (:

Cheryl said...

The wreath on the door of your third photo is making me swoon!
Great autumn shots, Snap!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

What beautiful photos of this blessed time of year!

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

Nice autumn postcards Snap. I love it when people decorate their door and front step.

Kati said...

Lovely as always! I think my favorite is the fourth picture. Beautiful!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Stunning! Thank you for the poetry too! I love autumn quotes!


Ruth Kelly said...

I love your decorations. They are just gorgeous. The poem was very nice too.

Pamela Gordon said...

These are gorgeous photos and make really pretty notecards. I like your selection. Blessings, Pamela

Donna Heber said...

Hi Snap,

Wow, what a beautiful set of notecards! Your neighbors really do a fine job of decorating. I can't seem to pick a favorite either. This is such a fun party. Thank you for stopping to visit me. Enjoy the rest of your week.

Becky K. said...

Breaking the rules? Well, it's all well that ends well and they were all great.
Have a super day.

HappyK said...

Beautiful fall decorations. These would make lovely note cards.
Thanks for your kind words! : )

Anonymous said...

Boy it sure is. I lit a fire in the wood stove two days ago...Pretty decorations. Your neighborhood rocks. xox

Steph said...

I enjoyed my first cup today of cinnamon tea. Welcome fall!

Lynn said...

The word "abundance" comes to mind from your pics! Love that great bi-colored mum:@)

Wildflowerhouse said...

Wow I love them all.!!!!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

These are perfect to get us in the mood for Fall. I love your banner, too. I can't wait to go to a pumpkin patch and see all of the unusual pumpkins! Happy Fall!

Cheryl @ TFD said...

I love your fall decor...so beautiful! Your photos make wonderful note cards!

Mary said...

Snap~ Fall is my favorite time of year and I love the decorations you've captured! The mum with the pumpkin is my favorite :)

Sherry said...

Beautiful colours -- it adds warmth to the season!

Pat said...

Those fall doors are just fabulous! Fall note cards, great idea.