Wednesday, June 20, 2012


Today we celebrate the first day of summer.

Summertime ICAD

We also celebrate Vee's Note Card Party!
I'm celebrating summer and Note Cards with FOOD! 


Straw Hats and a Peach Smoothie

Fruit Tart

Fruit Tart

Farmhouse Delivery

Fresh from Farm House Delivery

Tea and Cake


A Haven for Vee

Wishing YOU well and much joy.


Lynn said...

I like food! Your tart is just beautiful:@)

Deb said...

Gorgeous photos. Now I'm hungry. Hugs, Deb

allisamazing said...

Your food looks delicious!

Unknown said...

Your photos are beautiful - very "summer". This is my favorite time of year, snow is a distant memory - yay!

A Bit of the Blarney said...

What a delightful and whimsical note card!!! Have a wonderful day!!! Cathy

Becky K. said...

Mmmmmmm I have not yet had breakfast. Might have to rush to do that after these gorgeous foodie pics. Have a super day and thanks for sharing.

Vee said...

Having just been out to the garden to water before the scorcher is on full force, I am loving the photos of cool and refreshing foods. Berries...smoothies...oh yum. Thanks for joining in again! Always fun to see what you'll share.

Cezar and Léia said...

It's a day to celebrate and your pictures are bringing the feeling of party very well!Thanks for sharing!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

A slice of fruit tart for me, please!

Icy BC said...

Fruit tart! I want fruit tart. It looks amazingly refreshing.

Creations By Cindy said...

Oh my goodness! Love all of these and now I am hungry! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

Elizabeth Edwards said...

1st thought for all of them would be "yum" ... they all look really yummy. smoothie, veggies, tart & who does not love cake. ha. ha!! (:

Millie said...

Beautiful pictures...I think they would all make lovely notecards.

Pamela Gordon said...

Oh my, these are beautiful colourful pictures! I love them and they are making me hungry. :)
Enjoy the day! Blessings, Pamela

Vickie said...

Enjoying your summertime theme going on here - especially that peach smoothie! I have peaches at home... note to self - must make peach smoothie...

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Love the color in your photos! Happy First Day of Summer!

ellen b. said...

Love the summer theme! Now I'm hungry!

podso said...

Perfect summer photos! And beautiful filled with color! And makes me hungry! :-)

Anonymous said...

I'll take one of each, please! Well, maybe TWO slices of cake!

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Oh I love food, for sure! That fruit tart is so colorful and pretty! I just want to dig right in. Lovely photos!

HappyK said...

The fruit tart is definitely my favorite!! Yummy!

Cheryl said...

Oh, I do love the way you celebrate summer! These photos are scrumptious! Thanks for sharing them (and making me salivate). :D

My Little Home and Garden said...

Peach smoothie? That would go well right about now.

Kati said...

They are all so pretty! The fruit tart looks oh so good! (And I would love to have a tea pot and mug like the one you have in the last picture. I am a lover of anything birds.)

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Your photos are so bright and delightful, Snap! Your fruit tart looks so good! I made one a few days ago and am going to share that recipe tomorrow.

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

Beautiful photos... especially that fruit tart!!!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

These make fun notecards! I love fruit...send me that one! heehee! Happy summer!

Patricia said...

Your beautiful photos of fresh fruit and vegetables are as lovely as pictures of prize-winning flowers!
They are vibrant with life!
And now I want a smoothie, lol!
Have a great day :-)

Barb said...

You sure know how to celebrate summer, Snap! Yummy!

Introverted Art said...

Your tart looks so yummy!!!!!!!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Beautiful note card photos. I especially love seeing all of that delicious fruit---and veggies.

highheeledlife said...

Happy First day of Summer!!! your photos are brilliant and ohhh yumm That fruit tart looks tres delish!!! xo HHL

Anonymous said...

WOW oh Wow! I love how crystal clear your images are. I think I need a new camera for such shots - but not one forthcoming, I'm afraid. Glad you liked my swans - not too sharp of an image, but I'll blame it on the sunset lighting . . .

Neabear said...

Your cards are scrumptious looking. Makes my mouth drool just looking at them! The fruit tart looks yummy and I love the composition of the hat and Peach smoothie!

Thank you for visiting me.


Lorrie said...

Summertime food is so wonderful, isn't it? Your photos would make a great note card assortment.

Mary Howell Cromer said...

It all looks like yummy fun~

Lavender and Linen said...

Wow! This looks so good....the colors are so vivid! These would make great note cards!

Tori B. said...

Gorgeous selection of photos for your note card. I LOVE the fruit tart!

bj said...

ummm, these are all sooo luscious.
Great choices for note cards. :)