Friday, August 19, 2011

Summer Time

Houston Wading Pond
Reproduction postcard: Wading Pond at City Park, Houston (now Sam Houston Park), 1907

the end of summer
flying by, where has it gone
it is TOO darn hot

Galveston Bath House
Reproduction postcard: The Breakers Bath House, Galveston, 1911

A big thank you to our hostesses:

Wishing YOU well and a joy filled weekend.


tami said...

My sentiments exactly!

EG CameraGirl said...

Ha! Summer isn't my favourite season for that reason -- it's too darn HOT! :)

Dawn Elliott said...

Yes! It's been way too hot here, as well, with too few monsoon rains this year. Our haikus both speak of Autumn this week...I love summer, yet long for the coolness to come. Love the 1911 bath house!!!

Nanka said...

Quaint places from the past, anything to keep cool!!
Luckily it is pouring here (monsoon time) and we don't have to go far to wade in water :)

Anonymous said...

It has flown by...I wish for a long cool fall.

thank you for posting the dia de bloglandia button!! and helping to spread the word!

Barb said...

I didn't realize that park dates from the early 1900's, Snap. Keep cool.

Sheila @ A Postcard a Day said...

I can see the direction of your thoughts with these cards. :) So I take it you're all still too hot? Ours has been a reasonable but not very warm summer. I wouldn't mind borrowing some heat. :)

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

Technically, summer has a few more weeks to run--and may it run fast!

Margaret Pangert said...

Wow! Exactly one hundred years ago (Breakers)! They seem to have made an art out of celebrating summer... Ahhh, you're rigt: the end of hot hot summer is flying by!

Lea said...

Where did this summer go? How did it get to be August 12th? I think summer is somewhere in the water in either of those great postcards!

foxysue said...

I would like my summer here in the UK to last a little longer!

Loved the postcards and haiku

Sue x

Sunshinelene said...

Beautiful postcards!

I wish you some cooler days soon.

Happy PFF!


rebecca said...

both of your postcards stir in me a great longing for water. growing up in san diego our summers, as were all seasons,were all wrapped up in the ocean. i am so enjoying your pairing of vintage postcards with an accompanying haiku.
so glad you are here!

Coffeedoff said...

It hasn't been hot in dear old England, I havn't put the fan on yet this year. I havn't had to water the garden either as it has rained and rained and rained.

Heather said...

I am all in for a group visit to the wading pool.

Noelle Clearwater said...

I am sorry to be so late, Snap. I always love your postcards. You bring such a sense of the sweet past and good cultural memories with these pictures. Lovely haiku.